wordpress会员插件_5个最佳WordPress会员插件(比较)– 2020年
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Are you looking to build a membership site in WordPress? Want to know which is the best WordPress membership plugin? Choosing the right membership plugin is crucial for your business because a better platform means more opportunity for growth. In this article, we will compare 5 best WordPress membership plugins to easily create paid membership websites.

您是否要在WordPress中建立会员网站? 想知道哪个是最好的WordPress会员插件? 选择合适的会员插件对您的业务至关重要,因为更好的平台意味着更多的增长机会。 在本文中,我们将比较5个最佳WordPress会员插件,以轻松创建付费会员网站。

Best WordPress membership plugins compared

在WordPress会员插件中寻找什么? (What to Look for in a WordPress Membership Plugin?)

There are plenty of WordPress membership plugins, but not all of them have specific features that you may need for creating your membership site.


Some of them are good for selling subscriptions on a single level while others offer more diverse membership levels and subscription management features.


Some plugins offer drip content feature which allows you to slowly release new content to a user. While others are restricted to only offering hidden content.

一些插件提供点滴内容功能,使您可以缓慢地向用户发布新内容。 而另一些则仅限于提供隐藏的内容。

You will also need to figure out which payment gateways you will use. Do you want to accept credit cards only, PayPal, or both? Your membership plugin should have support for your preferred payment gateways either built-in or through an addon.

您还需要弄清楚将使用哪些支付网关。 您只接受信用卡,还是使用PayPal或同时接受两种信用卡? 您的会员插件应该内置或通过插件支持您首选的付款网关。

Having said that, let’s see what you will need to start a WordPress membership site.


您需要什么来运行WordPress会员网站? (What Do You Need to Run a WordPress Membership Site?)

Membership websites are resource intensive, and choosing the wrong host can be detrimental to your overall performance. That’s why the first thing you need to do is choose the that you can afford.

成员资格网站占用大量资源,选择错误的主机可能会对您的整体表现不利。 这就是为什么您需要做的第一件事就是选择您负担得起的 。

If you’re on a budget, then you can start with . Their Business Pro plan comes with a SSL Certificate which you need to securely collect payments, dedicated IP, and a dedicated support line.

如果预算有限,则可以从开始。 他们的Business Pro计划随附SSL证书,您需要安全地收集付款,专用IP和专用支持热线。

If budget is not an issue, and you want the best performance, then we recommend using a provider like .

如果预算不是问题,并且您想要最佳性能,那么我们建议使用提供程序,例如 。

If you don’t already have one, then you will need to choose a domain name for your website. Here is our guide on for your membership site.

如果您还没有,那么您将需要为您的网站选择一个域名。 这是我们的指南, 为您的会员网站 。

Lastly, you will need to choose such as which helps you capture leads and boost subscriptions.

最后,您需要选择例如 ,可帮助您捕获潜在客户并提高订阅量。

Now that we have covered what you need to start a membership site in WordPress, let’s take a look at our top WordPress membership plugins.



is one of the most popular WordPress membership plugins. It is also the easiest to use and the most robust when it comes to features.

是最受欢迎的WordPress会员插件之一。 在功能方面,它也是最简单易用且功能最强大的。

MemberPress WordPress会员插件的优点 (Pros of MemberPress WordPress Membership Plugin)

Easy to Setup – MemberPress makes it simple to setup a membership website with WordPress. It can automatically setup pricing, login, account, and thank you pages for your users. Adding membership plans is also very straight forward.

易于设置 – MemberPress使使用WordPress设置会员网站变得简单。 它可以自动为用户设置定价,登录,帐户和“谢谢”页面。 添加会员计划也非常简单。

Content Access Control – MemberPress comes with powerful access control, which allows you to restrict access to any content including posts, pages, categories, tags, files, etc.

内容访问控制 – MemberPress具有强大的访问控制,可让您限制对任何内容的访问,包括帖子,页面,类别,标签,文件等。

Content Dripping – Content dripping allows you to show restricted content to members after a certain time. This is a very useful feature for selling online courses or learning materials.

内容滴落 –内容滴落可让您在一定时间后向成员显示受限内容。 这是销售在线课程或学习资料的非常有用的功能。

Integrations – MemberPress integrates with , , , and MadMimi email services. It also integrates with Amazon Web Services and for podcast hosting.

集成 – MemberPress与 , , 和MadMimi电子邮件服务集成。 它还与Amazon Web Services和集成以进行播客托管。

Payment Gateways – MemberPress comes with built-in support for PayPal and Stripe payment gateways. Developer plan also adds Authorize.net support.

付款网关 – MemberPress内置对PayPal和Stripe付款网关的支持。 开发人员计划还添加了Authorize.net支持。

使用MemberPress Pro的缺点 (Cons of Using MemberPress Pro)

Limited Payment Options – MemberPress only supports the three most popular payment gateways. This would be a deal breaker for site owners who live in countries not supported by these payment gateways.

有限的付款选项 – MemberPress仅支持三个最受欢迎的付款网关。 对于居住在这些付款网关不支持的国家/地区的网站所有者来说,这将是一个交易突破。

Limited Integrations – While the plugin has enough support for popular services to run a membership site efficiently, it still lacks integrations with some other popular services. The plugin is easily extensible, and you can pay someone to integrate a third-party service you would like to use.

有限的集成 -尽管该插件对流行的服务有足够的支持以有效地运行会员网站,但仍缺乏与其他流行的服务的集成。 该插件易于扩展,您可以向某人付费以集成您想使用的第三方服务。

Pricing: Starting from $129 / year for the Basic plan and $249 / year for the Plus plan.

定价:基本计划每年$ 129美元起,Plus计划每年$ 249美元起。

We think MemberPress is the most easy to use WordPress membership plugin for beginners. It is quick to setup with tons of powerful options.

我们认为MemberPress是最适合初学者的WordPress会员插件。 可以使用大量强大的选项快速设置。


LearnDash is a super flexible and extremely easy to use . It comes with advanced membership modules and tons of integrations.

LearnDash是一个超级灵活且易于使用的 。 它带有高级会员模块和大量集成。

使用LearnDash的优点 (Pros of Using LearnDash)

Easy to Setup LearnDash is quite easy to setup and adding content to it much more simpler. It also comes with advanced tools to easily organize your membership content into levels, groups, etc.

易于安装 LearnDash的设置和添加内容都非常简单。 它还带有高级工具,可轻松将您的会员内容组织到各个级别,组等中。

Easy Content Restrictions LearnDash allows you to easily hide any content and restrict it to different membership groups.

轻松的内容限制 LearnDash使您可以轻松隐藏任何内容并将其限制为不同的成员资格组。

Sell Courses – LearnDash allows you to easily create and sell online courses. It has advanced modules that allow you to better manage learning material than other WordPress membership plugins.

出售课程 – LearnDash使您可以轻松创建和出售在线课程。 它具有高级模块,可让您比其他WordPress会员插件更好地管理学习材料。

Drip Content – It comes with powerful drip content feature allowing you to roll out content to users on regular intervals or upon completion of levels.

滴灌内容 –它具有强大的滴灌内容功能,可让您定期或在完成关卡时向用户推出内容。

Built-in Community Features It comes with tools to create highly engaging membership sites with quizzes, user badges, course specific forums, certificates, user profiles, etc.


Integrations & Payments LearnDash offers an amazing set of integrations and payment gateways. You can even connect it to MemberPress, WooCommerce, bbPress, Slack, etc.

集成和付款 LearnDash提供了一组惊人的集成和付款网关。 您甚至可以将其连接到MemberPress,WooCommerce,bbPress,Slack等。

使用LearnDash的缺点 (Cons of Using LearnDash)

Lacks some membership features – If you are trying to build a membership website without selling courses, then some of LearnDash features may not be useful to you.

缺少某些会员功能 –如果您尝试建立不出售课程的会员网站,则LearnDash的某些功能可能对您没有用。

Pricing: Starting from $159 for a single site license with 1 year of support and updates.


LearnDash is the perfect solution if you want to sell online courses on a paid membership website. It’s extensive set of addons and integrations allow you to build a highly-engaging platform.

如果您想在付费会员网站上出售在线课程,LearnDash是完美的解决方案。 它具有广泛的附加组件和集成集,可让您构建高度参与的平台。


Teachable is an all inclusive online courses builder. It packs membership website, LMS, discussion forum, email marketing, and analytics all under one dashboard.

Teachable是一个全面的在线课程构建器。 它将会员网站,LMS,讨论论坛,电子邮件营销和分析打包到一个仪表板中。

使用可教的优点 (Pros of Using Teachable)

Ease of Use Teachable is easy to set up and does not require any technical skills at all. Creating membership content is a breeze and includes built-in tools to quickly create and upload videos, text, PDF, and more.

易于使用易教学易于设置,完全不需要任何技术技能。 创建会员内容很容易,并且包括内置工具,可快速创建和上传视频,文本,PDF等。

Drip Content It includes flexible drip content feature, which allows you to roll out content based on a users’ progress or subscription level.


Built-in Engagement Features It offers discussion forums, quizzes, contact forms, certificates, and other features to boost user engagement and build powerful online communities.


使用可教的缺点 (Cons of Using Teachable)

Not a WordPress Plugin Teachable is not available as a WordPress plugin. Instead, you can integrate it to your WordPress site by adding links or a sub-domain.

不是WordPress插件 Teachable不能作为WordPress插件使用。 相反,您可以通过添加链接或子域将其集成到WordPress网站。

More Expensive Teachable includes everything which makes it more expensive than other WordPress membership plugins.

更昂贵的 Teachable包含所有使其比其他WordPress会员插件更昂贵的内容。

Pricing: Basic plan starts at $39 / month, professional $99 / month, and business $499 / month.



Restrict Content Pro is a powerful contender for the title of the best membership plugin for WordPress. It is created by same team that’s behind the popular and plugins.

Restrict Content Pro是WordPress最佳会员插件标题的有力竞争者。 它由流行的和插件背后的同一个团队创建。

使用限制内容专业版的优点 (Pros of Using Restrict Content Pro)

Easy to Use – Restrict Content Pro beautifully integrates with the WordPress user interface. This allows you to easily figure out how to use it.

易于使用 – Restrict Content Pro与WordPress用户界面完美集成。 这使您可以轻松地弄清楚如何使用它。

Built-in Integrations – Unlike other membership plugins, Restrict Content Pro comes with built-in integrations that other plugins ship as paid addons. It has Stripe, PayPal, MailChimp, MailPoet, email manager, CSV export, and many more features.

内置集成 –与其他成员插件不同,Restrict Content Pro带有内置集成,其他插件作为付费插件提供。 它具有Stripe,PayPal,MailChimp,MailPoet,电子邮件管理器,CSV导出以及许多其他功能。

Payment Gateways – Stripe, PayPal, and Braintree come as free addons. Other supported payment gateways include 2Checkout, PayPal Website Payments Pro, PayPal Express, and Stripe Checkout.

付款网关 – Stripe,PayPal和Braintree是免费的插件。 其他受支持的付款网关包括2Checkout,PayPal Website Payments Pro,PayPal Express和Stripe Checkout。

Works with – If you are running to sell digital products, then Restrict Content Pro is the perfect companion for that.

–如果您正在运行来销售数字产品,那么Restrict Content Pro将是您的理想伴侣。

Excellent Support – There is extensive free documentation available for all users. You also get professional support by email with very fast response times.

出色的支持 –为所有用户提供了广泛的免费文档。 您还可以通过电子邮件以快速响应时间获得专业支持。

使用限制内容专业版的缺点 (Cons of Using Restrict Content Pro)

Fewer Integrations – It has fewer integrations with third party services such as email service providers than some other plugins on this list.

更少的集成 –与该列表中的某些其他插件相比,与第三方服务(如电子邮件服务提供商)的集成较少。

Pricing: $99 with 12 addons and single site license, $149 for 5 sites, and $249 for all addons and unlimited sites. There is also a $499 lifetime plan.

定价:含12个插件和单个站点许可证的价格为99美元,五个站点的价格为149美元,所有插件和无限站点的价格为249美元。 还有一个499美元的终身计划。

We found Restrict Content Pro to be one of the most easy to use membership plugin. It is also developer friendly, and comes with a great set of features that are perfect for all kind of membership websites.

我们发现Restrict Content Pro是最易于使用的会员插件之一。 它也是开发人员友好的,并具有一系列非常适合所有会员网站的功能。


S2Member is a popular free WordPress membership plugin with pro version available as well. It has been around for quite a while and has a devoted userbase.

S2Member是一个流行的免费WordPress会员插件,也提供专业版。 它已经存在了很长一段时间,并且拥有专门的用户群。

使用S2Member WordPress会员插件的优点 (Pros of Using S2Member WordPress Membership Plugin)

Free Base Plugin – The s2Member base plugin is free. Anyone can download and give it a try. It is limited in terms of features and support but gives you a good starting point.

免费的基本插件 – s2Member基本的插件是免费的。 任何人都可以下载并尝试一下。 它在功能和支持方面受到限制,但为您提供了一个很好的起点。

Content Dripping – S2Member Pro comes with content drip feature.

内容滴落 – S2Member Pro带有内容滴落功能。

Payment Gateways – The free version supports PayPal. Pro version of the plugin supports Stripe and Authorize.net as well.

付款网关 –免费版本支持PayPal。 插件的专业版也支持Stripe和Authorize.net。

Integrations – Works with , and BuddyPress.

集成 –与 , 和BuddyPress一起使用。

Documentation & Support – S2Member has an extensive knowledgebase available to all. Pro users also get email based support.

文档和支持 – S2Member具有广泛的知识库供所有人使用。 专业版用户还可以获得基于电子邮件的支持。

使用S2Member WordPress成员资格插件的缺点 (Cons of Using S2Member WordPress Membership Plugin)

Not very user-friendly – We found s2Member to be a little more difficult to use than other membership plugins.

不太用户友好 –我们发现s2Member的使用比其他成员资格插件要难一些。

Free Version Limitations – Free version only supports PayPal, limits to only 4 membership levels, and does not have drip content feature.

免费版本限制 –免费版本仅支持PayPal,仅限4个会员级别,并且没有滴灌内容功能。

Pricing: The base plugin is free, then Pro version for a single site license costs $89 USD. For unlimited sites pro version costs $189 USD.

定价:基本插件是免费的,然后单个站点许可证的Pro版费用为89美元。 专业版价格为189美元,无限制使用。

结论: (Conclusion:)

We believe that is the best option for WordPress membership plugin. It has all the features that you would need with great documentation and support.

我们认为是WordPress会员插件的最佳选择。 它具有强大的文档和支持,您将需要的所有功能。

If you want something simple and flexible, then is a great option. The team behind has a proven track record for producing excellent products.

如果您想要简单灵活的东西,那么是一个不错的选择。 后面的团队在生产优质产品方面拥有良好的往绩。

If you want to sell courses on your membership website, then we recommend using , it comes with powerful features to create and sell courses online.

如果您想在会员网站上出售课程,那么我们建议您使用 ,它具有强大的功能,可以在线创建和出售课程。

We hope this article helped you find the best WordPress membership plugin for your site. You may also want to see our step by step for beginners.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到适合您网站的最佳WordPress会员插件。 您可能还希望查看针对初学者的逐步 。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on and .

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在和上找到我们。



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