发布日期:2021-06-27 21:40:14 浏览次数:3 分类:技术文章

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import serial  # 引入库import threading  # python 定时器import platform  # 系统import modbus_tk.modbus_rtu as rtuimport modbus_tk.defines as csttry:    sys = platform.system()    if sys == "Windows":        ser = serial.Serial(port='COM6', baudrate=9600, bytesize=8, parity="N", stopbits=1, timeout=0.1)        # 设置电脑端为主机(Master)        master = rtu.RtuMaster(ser)        master.set_timeout(1.0)        master.set_verbose(True)    elif sys == "Linux":        ser = serial.Serial(port='/dev/ttyUSB1', baudrate=9600, bytesize=8, parity="N", stopbits=1, timeout=0.1)        # 设置电脑端为主机(Master)        master = rtu.RtuMaster(ser)        master.set_timeout(1.0)        master.set_verbose(True)    else:        print("系统错误")except Exception as e:    print("串口系统错误")def fun_timer():    read_values = master.execute(1, cst.HOLDING_REGISTERS, 0x01, 12)      # 烟感设备地址 1    # print(read_values)  # (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 259, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)    # print(read_values[2])  # (0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 259, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)    # 报警器状态说明:    # 报警器状态代码: 0 或 1    # 报警器状态: 0 代表 正常没有烟雾 1 代表有烟报警    if read_values[2] == 0:        print('检测没有烟雾正常')    else:        print('检测到烟雾并报警')    global timer    timer = threading.Timer(1, fun_timer)    timer.start()timer = threading.Timer(1, fun_timer)timer.start()

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上一篇:python 安装 aliyunsdkiotclient 模块报错问题决方案



[***.144.177.141]2024年04月25日 10时52分21秒


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