原理剖析(第 008 篇)CyclicBarrier工作原理分析
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原理剖析(第 008 篇)CyclicBarrier工作原理分析




2.1 何为CyclicBarrier?


2.2 CyclicBarrier的state关键词


2.3 常用重要的方法

1、public CyclicBarrier(int parties)   // 创建一个给定数值的栅栏总数,也就是支持参与线程的最多数值2、public CyclicBarrier(int parties, Runnable barrierAction)   // 创建一个给定数值的栅栏总数,也就是支持参与线程的最多数值,且当最后一个线程执行完时会回调barrierAction方法3、private void nextGeneration()   // 更新换代,改朝换代,触发唤醒所有在Lock对象上等待的线程,释放所有正在处于阻塞的线程   4、private void breakBarrier()    // 打破平衡,并设置打破平衡的标志,然后再唤醒所有被阻塞的线程,   5、public int await()    // 导致当前线程阻塞,直到其他线程调用trip.signal()或trip.signalAll()方法唤醒该线程   6、public int await(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)   // 比await()多了两个参数,意思就是阻塞等待信号量的最大时长,等待的时间值为timeout,单位为unit;   7、private int dowait(boolean timed, long nanos)    // 阻塞等待的核心方法,如果不需要超时等待信号量的话则nanos参数是没用的,否则就有用   8、public boolean isBroken()    // 线程之间的等待,这样一个等待的平衡体系是否被打破   9、public void reset()   // 重置为初始状态值,就像初始创建CyclicBarrier该实例对象一样,干干净净的初始状态值   10、public int getNumberWaiting()    // 获取目前正在处于阻塞状态的线程数量值   11、public int getParties()    // 获取线程数量,也就是栅栏数量总数值

2.4 设计与实现伪代码

1、等待被释放:    public int await() throws InterruptedException, BrokenBarrierException {        try {            return dowait(false, 0L);        } catch (TimeoutException toe) {            throw new Error(toe); // cannot happen        }    }	await{		阻塞等待的核心方法;		内部会调用trip.await()方法进入Condition等待阻塞队列;		一旦栅栏数量为零时则会逐个逐个将Condition等待的队列转移到CLH的等待阻塞队列;		所有线程被唤醒后然后等待dowait方法内部lock.unlock()一个个释放线程等待;		阻塞的最后一个线程还有机会执行构造方法传入的接口回调;	}





1、构造器源码:	// 构造方法一:    /**     * Creates a new {@code CyclicBarrier} that will trip when the     * given number of parties (threads) are waiting upon it, and     * does not perform a predefined action when the barrier is tripped.     *     * @param parties the number of threads that must invoke {@link #await}     *        before the barrier is tripped     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code parties} is less than 1     */    public CyclicBarrier(int parties) {        this(parties, null);    }		// 构造方法二:    /**     * Creates a new {@code CyclicBarrier} that will trip when the     * given number of parties (threads) are waiting upon it, and which     * will execute the given barrier action when the barrier is tripped,     * performed by the last thread entering the barrier.     *     * @param parties the number of threads that must invoke {@link #await}     *        before the barrier is tripped     * @param barrierAction the command to execute when the barrier is     *        tripped, or {@code null} if there is no action     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code parties} is less than 1     */    public CyclicBarrier(int parties, Runnable barrierAction) {        if (parties <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();        this.parties = parties;        this.count = parties;        this.barrierCommand = barrierAction;    }		2、创建一个给定数值的栅栏总数,也就是支持参与线程的最多数值,但是构造方法二还可以通过传入接口回调,当最后一个阻塞的线程被释放后,   它将有机会执行这个被传入的回调接口barrierAction;


1、源码:    /**     * Waits until all {@linkplain #getParties parties} have invoked     * {@code await} on this barrier.     *     * 

If the current thread is not the last to arrive then it is * disabled for thread scheduling purposes and lies dormant until * one of the following things happens: *

  • The last thread arrives; or *
  • Some other thread {@linkplain Thread#interrupt interrupts} * the current thread; or *
  • Some other thread {@linkplain Thread#interrupt interrupts} * one of the other waiting threads; or *
  • Some other thread times out while waiting for barrier; or *
  • Some other thread invokes {@link #reset} on this barrier. *
* *

If the current thread: *

  • has its interrupted status set on entry to this method; or *
  • is {@linkplain Thread#interrupt interrupted} while waiting *
* then {@link InterruptedException} is thrown and the current thread's * interrupted status is cleared. * *

If the barrier is {@link #reset} while any thread is waiting, * or if the barrier {@linkplain #isBroken is broken} when * {@code await} is invoked, or while any thread is waiting, then * {@link BrokenBarrierException} is thrown. * *

If any thread is {@linkplain Thread#interrupt interrupted} while waiting, * then all other waiting threads will throw * {@link BrokenBarrierException} and the barrier is placed in the broken * state. * *

If the current thread is the last thread to arrive, and a * non-null barrier action was supplied in the constructor, then the * current thread runs the action before allowing the other threads to * continue. * If an exception occurs during the barrier action then that exception * will be propagated in the current thread and the barrier is placed in * the broken state. * * @return the arrival index of the current thread, where index * {@code getParties() - 1} indicates the first * to arrive and zero indicates the last to arrive * @throws InterruptedException if the current thread was interrupted * while waiting * @throws BrokenBarrierException if another thread was * interrupted or timed out while the current thread was * waiting, or the barrier was reset, or the barrier was * broken when {@code await} was called, or the barrier * action (if present) failed due to an exception */ public int await() throws InterruptedException, BrokenBarrierException { try { return dowait(false, 0L); // 阻塞的核心方法,重心再次,通过ReentrantLock和Condition组合完成阻塞等待 } catch (TimeoutException toe) { throw new Error(toe); // cannot happen } }2、阻塞等待的核心方法,内部会调用trip.await()方法进入Condition等待阻塞队列,一旦栅栏数量为零时则会逐个逐个将Condition等待的队列转移到CLH的等待阻塞队列;3、所有线程被唤醒后然后等待dowait方法内部lock.unlock()一个个释放线程等待,阻塞的最后一个线程还有机会执行构造方法传入的接口回调;

3.3、dowait(boolean, long)

1、源码:    /**     * Main barrier code, covering the various policies.     */    private int dowait(boolean timed, long nanos)        throws InterruptedException, BrokenBarrierException,               TimeoutException {        final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock; // 获取独占锁        lock.lock(); // 通过lock其父类AQS的CLH队列阻塞在此,但是为啥又会继续往下进入临界区执行try方法,其原因就是trip.await()这句代码        try {            final Generation g = generation;            if (g.broken) // 若平衡被一旦打破,则其他所有的线程都会抛出异常,因为即使这里没遇到抛异常,下面还会有 if (g.broken) 判断                throw new BrokenBarrierException();            if (Thread.interrupted()) { // 检测线程是否在其他地方被中断过,若任何一个线程被中断过                breakBarrier(); // 那么则打破平衡,并设置打破平衡的标志,还原初始状态值,然后再唤醒所有被阻塞的线程,                throw new InterruptedException();            }            int index = --count; // 执行一个则减1操作,正常情况下count表示还有多少个未进入临界区,即还在lock阻塞队列中            if (index == 0) {  // tripped 当count值降为0后,则表明所有线程都执行完了,那么就可以happy的一起改朝换代去做其他事情了                boolean ranAction = false;                try {                    final Runnable command = barrierCommand; // 构造方法传入的接口回调对象                    if (command != null) // 当接口不为空时,最后一个执行的线程有机会消费该回调方法                        command.run();                    ranAction = true;                    nextGeneration(); // 改朝换代,该执行的都已经执行完了,还原为初始状态值,以便下次可以重复再次使用                    return 0;                } finally {                    if (!ranAction) // 若最后一个线程眼看着要完事了,若出现了任何异常的话,也照样打破整体平衡,要么一起生要么一起亡                        breakBarrier();                }            }            // loop until tripped, broken, interrupted, or timed out            for (;;) { // 自旋的死循环操作方式                try {                    if (!timed) // 若不需要使用超时等待信号量的话,那么下面就直接调用trip.await()进入阻塞等待                        trip.await(); // 正常情况下,代码执行到此就不动了,该方法内部已经调用了park方法导致线程阻塞等待                    else if (nanos > 0L)                        nanos = trip.awaitNanos(nanos); // 在指定时间内等待信号量                } catch (InterruptedException ie) { // 若在阻塞等待期间由于被中断了                    if (g == generation && ! g.broken) { // 如果还没改朝换代,并且平衡标志位还为false的话,则继续打破平衡并且抛出中断异常                        breakBarrier();                        throw ie;                    } else {                        // We're about to finish waiting even if we had not                        // been interrupted, so this interrupt is deemed to                        // "belong" to subsequent execution.                        Thread.currentThread().interrupt();                    }                }                if (g.broken) // 这里也有 if (g.broken) 判断,若平衡被一旦打破,则其他所有的线程都会抛出异常                    throw new BrokenBarrierException();                if (g != generation) // 若已经被改朝换代了,那么则直接返回index值                    return index;                if (timed && nanos <= 0L) { // 若设置了超时标志,并且不管是传入的nanos值也好还是通过等待后返回的nanos也好,只要小于或等于零都会打破平衡                    breakBarrier();                    throw new TimeoutException();                }            }        } finally {            lock.unlock(); // 释放lock锁        }    }2、dowait方法是CyclicBarrier实现阻塞等待的核心方法,当await方法被调用时阻塞等待被Condition的一个队列维护着;   然而线程从await跳出来时,正常情况下一般都是由于发送了信号量,阻塞被解除,那么Condition的等待队列将会被转移至AQS的等待队列;   然后一个逐渐锁释放,最后CyclicBarrier也处于了初始值状态,供下次调用使用;   因此CyclicBarrier每用完一套整个流程,又会回到初始状态值,又可以被其他地方当做新创建的对象一样来使用,所以才成为循环栅栏;


1、源码:    /**     * Sets current barrier generation as broken and wakes up everyone.     * Called only while holding lock.     */    private void breakBarrier() {        generation.broken = true; // 设置打破平衡的标志        count = parties; // 重新还原count为初始值        trip.signalAll(); // 发送信号量,唤醒所有Condition中的等待队列    }2、打破平衡,并设置打破平衡的标志,然后再唤醒所有被阻塞的线程;


1、源码:    /**     * Updates state on barrier trip and wakes up everyone.     * Called only while holding lock.     */    private void nextGeneration() {        // signal completion of last generation        trip.signalAll();        // set up next generation        count = parties;        generation = new Generation();    }2、唤醒所有在Condition中等待的队列,然后还原初始状态值,并且重新换掉generation的引用,改朝换代,为下一轮操作做准备;


1、源码:	// CyclicBarrier 的成员属性 trip( Condition类型 ) 对象的方法	/**	 * Implements interruptible condition wait.	 * 
  1. If current thread is interrupted, throw InterruptedException. *
  2. Save lock state returned by {@link #getState}. *
  3. Invoke {@link #release} with saved state as argument, * throwing IllegalMonitorStateException if it fails. *
  4. Block until signalled or interrupted. *
  5. Reacquire by invoking specialized version of * {@link #acquire} with saved state as argument. *
  6. If interrupted while blocked in step 4, throw InterruptedException. *
*/ public final void await() throws InterruptedException { if (Thread.interrupted()) throw new InterruptedException(); Node node = addConditionWaiter(); // 将当前线程包装一下,然后添加到Condition自己维护的链表队列中 int savedState = fullyRelease(node); // 释放当前线程占有的锁,如果不释放的话,那么在第二次调用lock.lock()的地方; // 如果第一个没执行完的话,那么则会一直阻塞等待,那么也就无法完成栅栏的功能了 int interruptMode = 0; while (!isOnSyncQueue(node)) { // 是否在AQS的队列中 LockSupport.park(this); // 如果不在AQS队列中的话,则阻塞等待,这里才是最最最核心阻塞的地方 if ((interruptMode = checkInterruptWhileWaiting(node)) != 0) break; } // 如果在AQS队列中的话,那么则考虑重入锁,重新竞争锁,重新休息 if (acquireQueued(node, savedState) && interruptMode != THROW_IE) interruptMode = REINTERRUPT; if (node.nextWaiter != null) // clean up if cancelled unlinkCancelledWaiters(); if (interruptMode != 0) reportInterruptAfterWait(interruptMode); }2、其实该AQS的await方法,才是本章节重点中的重点,因为该方法涉及到为什么用了独占锁lock.lock之后,dowait方法里面通过调用了trip.await()进行阻塞的话, 第二个、第三个线程怎么还会通过lock.lock调用之后还能进入临界区呢?这岂不是和独占锁的概念相矛盾么? 3、而AQS的方法则给大家解开了迷惑, 它会调用fullyRelease(node)释放当前线程占有的锁,所以lock.lock才不至于一直被阻塞在那里;3、并且Condition也维护了自己的一个链表,凡是通过调用trip.await()方法的线程,都会首先进入Condition的队列,然后释放独占锁,想办法调用park方法锁住当前线程; 然后在被信号量通知的时候,又会将Condition队列的结点转移到AQS的同步队列中,然后等待调用unlock逐个释放锁;


1、有了分析CountDownLatch、Semaphore的基础后,再来分析CyclicBarrier显然有了扎实的功底,分析起来顺手多了;2、在这里我简要总结一下CyclicBarrier的流程的一些特性:	• 用途让一组线程互相等待,直到都到达公共屏障点才开始各自继续做各自的工作;	• 可重复利用,每正常走完一次流程,或者异常结束流程,那么接下来一轮还是可以继续利用CyclicBarrier实现线程等待功能;	• 共存亡,只要有一个线程有异常发生中断,那么其它线程都会被唤醒继续工作,然后接着就是抛异常处理;


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