Different between "git add --all" and "git add ."
发布日期:2021-09-01 17:00:14 浏览次数:2 分类:技术文章

本文共 1027 字,大约阅读时间需要 3 分钟。


At first, I always use "git add ." in the work, but I some times, I find if I remove some files in the track tree,and then push the "New Version" to remote git server, then I still can find the removed files in native git. so how is it? I need to delete the files in the server. So I will do like this:

For File:git rm --cached filenamegit commit -m "delete file in remote git."git push [origin] [master]For Folder:git rm -r --cached foldernamegit commit -m "delete folder in remote git."git push [origin] [master]

It is so non-convenient,right? So how to avoid doing like this?

Way is using "git add --all"

"git add --all" == "git add ." + "git add -u"

"git add ." means track all the files that "new" and "modified";

"git add -u" means track all the files that "modified" and "deleted"

So in the project, if you just use "git add ." to track all the files, it will be work ok, but you should deal with all the dirty files in the remote git server.

Reference link:




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上一篇:Leetcode 227 basic caculator



[***.217.46.12]2024年03月24日 12时24分43秒


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