php文件怎么转换txt文件,php – 解析txt文件并将它们转换为静态html文件
发布日期:2021-06-24 17:42:11 浏览次数:2 分类:技术文章

本文共 2366 字,大约阅读时间需要 7 分钟。


$files = glob("*.txt"); // Scan directory for .txt files

// Check that there are .txt files in directory

if ($files !== false) {

$numberOfFiles = count($files); // Count number of .txt files in directory

// Check if number of files is greater than one

if ($numberOfFiles > 1) {

// Advanced loop will go here to process multiple txt files

} else {

$text_array = array();

$file_handle = fopen ($files[0], "r"); // Open file

$text_array = stream_get_contents($file_handle);

$text_array = explode("\n", $text_array);

// get the top three lines

$page_title = trim($text_array[0]);

$all_lines = '

' . trim($text_array[0]) . ' - ' . trim($text_array[1]) . ' - ' . trim($text_array[2]) . '


// delete the top four array elements

$text_array[0] = $text_array[1] = $text_array[2] = $text_array[3] = '';

// get the remaining text

$text_block = trim(implode($text_array));

fclose ($file_handle); // Close file connection

} // endifs for first if(... statements




<?php echo $page_title; ?>

<?php echo $all_lines . "\n" . '

' . $text_block .'

'. "\n"; ?>

A variable ready to print to file:

$print_to_file = '

' . $page_title . '

' . $text_block .'

'. "\n" .



echo $print_to_file;



最后,一个版本放一个< p>标记每行文本.

$files = glob("*.txt"); // Scan directory for .txt files

// Check that there are .txt files in directory

if ($files !== false) {

$numberOfFiles = count($files); // Count number of .txt files in directory

// Check if number of files is greater than one

if ($numberOfFiles > 1) {

// Advanced loop will go here to process multiple txt files

} else {

$text_array = array();

$file_handle = fopen ($files[0], "r"); // Open file

$text = stream_get_contents($file_handle);

// get the top three lines

$text_array = explode("\n", $text);

$page_title = trim($text_array[0]);

$all_lines = '

' . $text_array[0] . ' - ' . $text_array[1] . ' - ' . $text_array[2] . '


// set up something to split the lines by and add the


$text_array = str_replace("\n","


", $text);

$text_array = explode("xxx", $text_array);

// delete the top four array elements

$text_array[0] = $text_array[1] = $text_array[2] = $text_array[3] = '';

// get the remaining text

$text_block = trim(implode($text_array));




这个版本可以使用与上面相同的html / php块

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上一篇:app 上传 php,APP端压缩上传,与PHP端解压实现
下一篇:php 字符转数字,PHP怎么将字符串转换成数字



[***.219.124.196]2024年04月22日 03时25分07秒


-- 愿君每日到此一游!
