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A Python implementation of Nacos OpenAPI.



Supported Python version:

Python 2.7

Python 3.6

Python 3.7

Supported Nacos version

Nacos 0.8.0

nacos 1.1.0 后新增了权限控制模块,旧API需要先登陆拿token才能正常调用,该包在原SDK上增加了登陆的逻辑


python install

git clone ....

from nacos.client import NacosClient


ak , sk为账号密码


def __init__(self, server_addresses, endpoint=None, namespace=None, ak=None, sk=None)



def set_debugging():


get_config(self, data_id, group, timeout=None, no_snapshot=None):


publish_config(self, data_id, group, content, timeout=None)


remove_config(self, data_id, group, timeout=None)


add_config_watchers(self, data_id, group, cb_list)


remove_config_watcher(self, data_id, group, cb, remove_all=False):


add_naming_instance(self, service_name, ip, port, cluster_name="", weight=1.0, metadata="",

enable=True, healthy=True)


remove_naming_instance(self, service_name, ip, port, cluster_name=None)


modify_naming_instance(self, service_name, ip, port, cluster_name=None, weight=None, metadata=None,



list_naming_instance(self, service_name, clusters=None, healthy_only=False)


get_naming_instance(self, service_name, ip, port, cluster_name=None)


send_heartbeat(self, service_name, ip, port, cluster_name=None, weight=1.0, metadata=None)




def _get_common_headers(self, timeout):

server_info = self.get_server()

all_headers = {}

timeout = timeout or self.default_timeout

method = "POST"

if not server_info:

logger.error("[do-sync-req] can not get one server.")

raise NacosRequestException("Server is not available.")

if self.auth_enabled:

url = "/nacos/v1/auth/users/login"

address, port = server_info

server = ":".join([address, str(port)])

server_url = "%s://%s" % ("http", server)


server_info = self.get_server()

if not server_info:

logger.error("[do-sync-req] can not get one server.")

raise NacosRequestException("Server is not available.")

address, port = server_info

server = ":".join([address, str(port)])

server_url = "%s://%s" % ("http", server)

data = {




if python_version_bellow("3"):

req = Request(url=server_url + url, data=urlencode(data).encode() if data else None,


req.get_method = lambda: method




req = Request(url=server_url + url, data=urlencode(data).encode(),

headers=all_headers, method=method)

# for python version compatibility

if python_version_bellow("2.7.9"):

resp = urlopen(req, timeout=timeout)


resp = urlopen(req, timeout=timeout, context=None)

logger.debug("[auth-login-req] info from server:%s" % server)

# logger.debug("#################")

# logger.debug(

# logger.debug(dir(resp))

# logger.debug("##################")

except HTTPError as e:



logger.warning("[auth-login-req] server:%s is not available for reason:%s" % (server, e.msg))



except socket.timeout:

logger.warning("[do-sync-req] %s request timeout" % server)

except URLError as e:

logger.warning("[do-sync-req] %s connection error:%s" % (server, e.reason))

headers = json.loads(


return {"accessToken":headers["accessToken"]}



pip installnacos-sdk-python

Getting Started

import nacos

SERVER_ADDRESSES = "server addresses split by comma"


client = nacos.NacosClient(SERVER_ADDRESSES, namespace=NAMESPACE)

# get config

data_id = "config.nacos"

group = "group"

print(client.get_config(data_id, group))


client = NacosClient(server_addresses, namespace=your_ns)

server_addresses - required - Nacos server address, comma separated if more than 1.

namespace - Namespace. | default: None

Extra Options

Extra option can be set by set_options, as following:


Configurable options are:

default_timeout - Default timeout for get config from server in seconds.

pulling_timeout - Long polling timeout in seconds.

pulling_config_size - Max config items number listened by one polling process.

callback_thread_num - Concurrency for invoking callback.

failover_base - Dir to store failover config files.

snapshot_base - Dir to store snapshot config files.

no_snapshot - To disable default snapshot behavior, this can be overridden by param no_snapshot in get method.

API Reference

Get Config

NacosClient.get_config(data_id, group, timeout, no_snapshot)

param data_id Data id.

param group Group, use DEFAULT_GROUP if no group specified.

param timeout Timeout for requesting server in seconds.

param no_snapshot Whether to use local snapshot while server is unavailable.



Get value of one config item following priority:

Step 1 - Get from local failover dir(default: ${cwd}/nacos-data/data).

Failover dir can be manually copied from snapshot dir(default: ${cwd}/nacos-data/snapshot) in advance.

This helps to suppress the effect of known server failure.

Step 2 - Get from one server until value is got or all servers tried.

Content will be save to snapshot dir after got from server.

Step 3 - Get from snapshot dir.

Add Watchers

NacosClient.add_config_watchers(data_id, group, cb_list)

param data_id Data id.

param group Group, use DEFAULT_GROUP if no group specified.

param cb_list List of callback functions to add.


Add watchers to a specified config item.

Once changes or deletion of the item happened, callback functions will be invoked.

If the item is already exists in server, callback functions will be invoked for once.

Multiple callbacks on one item is allowed and all callback functions are invoked concurrently by threading.Thread.

Callback functions are invoked from current process.

Remove Watcher

NacosClient.remove_config_watcher(data_id, group, cb, remove_all)

param data_id Data id.

param group Group, use "DEFAULT_GROUP" if no group specified.

param cb Callback function to delete.

param remove_all Whether to remove all occurrence of the callback or just once.


Remove watcher from specified key.

Publish Config

NacosClient.publish_config(data_id, group, content, timeout)

param data_id Data id.

param group Group, use "DEFAULT_GROUP" if no group specified.

param content Config value.

param timeout Timeout for requesting server in seconds.

return True if success or an exception will be raised.

Publish one data item to Nacos.

If the data key is not exist, create one first.

If the data key is exist, update to the content specified.

Content can not be set to None, if there is need to delete config item, use function remove instead.

Remove Config

NacosClient.remove_config(data_id, group, timeout)

param data_id Data id.

param group Group, use "DEFAULT_GROUP" if no group specified.

param timeout Timeout for requesting server in seconds.

return True if success or an exception will be raised.

Remove one data item from Nacos.

Register Instance

NacosClient.add_naming_instance(service_name, ip, port, cluster_name, weight, metadata, enable, healthy)

param service_name required Service name to register to.

param ip required IP of the instance.

param port required Port of the instance.

param cluster_name Cluster to register to.

param weight A float number for load balancing weight.

param metadata Extra info in JSON string format.

param enable A bool value to determine whether instance is enabled or not.

param healthy A bool value to determine whether instance is healthy or not.

return True if success or an exception will be raised.

Deregister Instance

NacosClient.remove_naming_instance(service_name, ip, port, cluster_name)

param service_name required Service name to deregister from.

param ip required IP of the instance.

param port required Port of the instance.

param cluster_name Cluster to deregister from.

return True if success or an exception will be raised.

Modify Instance

NacosClient.modify_naming_instance(service_name, ip, port, cluster_name, weight, metadata, enable)

param service_name required Service name.

param ip required IP of the instance.

param port required Port of the instance.

param cluster_name Cluster name.

param weight A float number for load balancing weight.

param metadata Extra info in JSON string format.

param enable A bool value to determine whether instance is enabled or not.

return True if success or an exception will be raised.

Query Instances

NacosClient.list_naming_instance(service_name, clusters, healthy_only)

param service_name required Service name to query.

param clusters Cluster names separated by comma.

param healthy_only A bool value for querying healthy instances or not.

return Instance info list if success or an exception will be raised.

Query Instance Detail

NacosClient.get_naming_instance(service_name, ip, port, cluster_name)

param service_name required Service name.

param ip required IP of the instance.

param port required Port of the instance.

param cluster_name Cluster name.

return Instance info if success or an exception will be raised.

Send Instance Beat

NacosClient.send_heartbeat(service_name, ip, port, cluster_name, weight, metadata)

param service_name required Service name.

param ip required IP of the instance.

param port required Port of the instance.

param cluster_name Cluster to register to.

param weight A float number for load balancing weight.

param metadata Extra info in JSON string format.

return A JSON object include server recommended beat interval if success or an exception will be raised.

Debugging Mode

Debugging mode if useful for getting more detailed log on console.

Debugging mode can be set by:


# only effective within the current process

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上一篇:auth java_java – 使用auth的httpget请求



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