发布日期:2021-06-29 01:31:11 浏览次数:2 分类:技术文章

本文共 7182 字,大约阅读时间需要 23 分钟。


1、 项目概述

1.1 项目目标和主要内容


1.2 项目的主要功能


2、 项目设计


通过 Prim 算法随机创建迷宫 通过深度优先算法求解迷宫

2.2 关键算法分析


*初始令U={U0},(U0∈V),TE={ }。



import pyxelimport random




采用 Prim 算法生成迷宫。

3、选定一个为路的单元格(本例选 [1,1]),然后把它的邻墙放入列表 wall。
4、当列表 wall 里还有墙时:
. 4.1、从列表里随机选一面墙,如果这面墙分隔的两个单元格只有一个单元格被访问过
… 4.1.1、那就从列表里移除这面墙,同时把墙打通
… 4.1.2、将单元格标记为已访问
… 4.1.3、将未访问的单元格的的邻墙加入列表 wall
. 4.2、如果这面墙两面的单元格都已经被访问过,那就从列表里移除这面墙
定义一个 Maze 类,用二维数组表示迷宫地图,其中 1 表示墙壁,0 表示路,然后初始化左上角为入口,右下角为出口,最后定义下方向向量。

class Maze:    def __init__(self, width, height):        self.width = width        self.height = height        #行和列为偶数时设置为0,0表示路,1表示墙        self.map = [[0 if x % 2 == 1 and y % 2 == 1 else 1 for x in range(width)] for y in range(height)]        self.map[1][0] = 0  # 入口,第二行,第一列        self.map[height - 2][width - 1] = 0  # 出口        self.visited = []        # right up left down        self.dx = [1, 0, -1, 0]        self.dy = [0, -1, 0, 1]    def set_value(self, point, value):        self.map[point[1]][point[0]] = value    def get_value(self, point):        return self.map[point[1]][point[0]]    # 获取坐标(x,y)的邻居 返回数据结构为:二维数组    def get_neighbor(self, x, y, value):        res = []        for i in range(4):            if 0 < x + self.dx[i] < self.width - 1 and 0 < y + self.dy[i] < self.height - 1 and \                    self.get_value([x + self.dx[i], y + self.dy[i]]) == value:                res.append([x + self.dx[i], y + self.dy[i]])        return res    # 获取坐标(x,y) 的邻墙    def get_neighbor_wall(self, point):        return self.get_neighbor(point[0], point[1], 1)    # 获取坐标(x,y) 的邻路    def get_neighbor_road(self, point):        return self.get_neighbor(point[0], point[1], 0)    def deal_with_not_visited(self, point, wall_position, wall_list):        if not [point[0], point[1]] in self.visited:    #步骤4.1            self.set_value(wall_position, 0)    #步骤4.1.1            self.visited.append(point)          #步骤4.1.2            wall_list += self.get_neighbor_wall(point)#步骤4.1.3    def generate(self):        start = [1, 1]        self.visited.append(start)        wall_list = self.get_neighbor_wall(start)   #步骤3        while wall_list:            #步骤4            wall_position = random.choice(wall_list)    #步骤4.1            neighbor_road = self.get_neighbor_road(wall_position)            wall_list.remove(wall_position)            self.deal_with_not_visited(neighbor_road[0], wall_position, wall_list)#进行4.1            self.deal_with_not_visited(neighbor_road[1], wall_position, wall_list)    def is_out_of_index(self, x, y):        return x == 0 or x == self.width - 1 or y == 0 or y == self.height - 1


def dfs(self, x, y, path, visited=[]):        # 越界        if self.is_out_of_index(x, y):            return False        # 访问过 or 撞墙        if [x, y] in visited or self.get_value([x, y]) == 1:            return False        visited.append([x, y])        path.append([x, y])        # over        if x == self.width - 2 and y == self.height - 2:            return True        # 递归过程        for i in range(4):            if 0 < x + self.dx[i] < self.width - 1 and 0 < y + self.dy[i] < self.height - 1 and \                    self.get_value([x + self.dx[i], y + self.dy[i]]) == 0:                if self.dfs(x + self.dx[i], y + self.dy[i], path, visited):                    return True                elif not self.is_out_of_index(x, y) and path[-1] != [x, y]:                    path.append([x, y])    # dfs    def dfs_route(self):        path = []        self.dfs(1, 1, path)        ans = [[0, 1]]        for i in range(len(path)):            ans.append(path[i])            if 0 < i < len(path) - 1 and path[i - 1] == path[i + 1]:                ans.append(path[i])        ans.append([width - 1, height - 2])        return ans    # bfs    def bfs_route(self):        start = {
'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'prev': None} now = start q = [start] visited = [[start['x'], start['y']]] # 1、从起点出发,获取起点周围所有连通的路 # 2、如果该路没有走过,则加入队列 Q,否则跳过 同时记录其前驱节点 while q: now = q.pop(0) # 结束 if now['x'] == self.width - 2 and now['y'] == self.height - 2: break roads = my_maze.get_neighbor_road([now['x'], now['y']]) for road in roads: if not road in visited: visited.append(road) q.append({
'x': road[0], 'y': road[1], 'prev': now}) ans = [] while now: ans.insert(0, [now['x'], now['y']]) now = now['prev'] ans.append([width - 1, height - 2]) return ans



class App:    def __init__(self):        #pyxel.init(width * pixel, height * pixel, caption='maze', border_width=10, border_color=0xFFFFFF)        pyxel.init(width * pixel, height * pixel)        self.death = True        self.index = 0        self.route = []        self.step = 5  # 步长,数值越小速度越快,1:每次一格; 10:每次 1/10 格        self.color = start_point_color        self.bfs_route = my_maze.bfs_route()        self.dfs_route = my_maze.dfs_route()        self.dfs_model = True        pyxel.run(self.update, self.draw)    def update(self):        if pyxel.btn(pyxel.KEY_Q):            pyxel.quit()        if pyxel.btn(pyxel.KEY_S):            self.death = False        if not self.death:            self.check_death()            self.update_route()    def draw(self):        # draw maze        for x in range(height):            for y in range(width):                color = road_color if my_maze.map[x][y] is 0 else wall_color                pyxel.rect(y * pixel, x * pixel, pixel, pixel, color)        pyxel.rect(0, pixel, pixel, pixel, start_point_color)        pyxel.rect((width - 1) * pixel, (height - 2) * pixel, pixel, pixel, end_point_color)        if self.index > 0:            # draw route            offset = pixel / 2            for i in range(len(self.route) - 1):                curr = self.route[i]                next = self.route[i + 1]                self.color = backtrack_color if curr in self.route[:i] and next in self.route[:i] else route_color                pyxel.line(curr[0] + offset, (curr[1] + offset), next[0] + offset, next[1] + offset, self.color)            pyxel.circ(self.route[-1][0] + 2, self.route[-1][1] + 2, 1, head_color)    def check_death(self):        if self.dfs_model and len(self.route) == len(self.dfs_route) - 1:            self.death = True        elif not self.dfs_model and len(self.route) == len(self.bfs_route) - 1:            self.death = True    def update_route(self):        index = int(self.index / self.step)        self.index += 1        if index == len(self.route):  # move            if self.dfs_model:                self.route.append([pixel * self.dfs_route[index][0], pixel * self.dfs_route[index][1]])            else:                self.route.append([pixel * self.bfs_route[index][0], pixel * self.bfs_route[index][1]])App()


4、 结果


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[***.240.166.169]2024年04月05日 22时34分51秒