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Public Class Neuron        '输入个数        Protected m_inputsCount As Integer = 1        '权值        Protected weights As Double() = New Double(0) {}        '激励函数        Protected [function] As IActivationFunction = New SigmoidFunction()        ' 加权的输入和         Protected sum As Double        ' 神经输出值         Protected m_output As Double        '随机数发生器        Protected Shared rand As New Random()        ' 输入总数属性         Public Property InputsCount() As Integer            Get                Return m_inputsCount            End Get            Set(ByVal value As Integer)                m_inputsCount = Math.Max(1, value)                weights = New Double(m_inputsCount - 1) {}            End Set        End Property        ' 激活函数        Public Property ActivationFunction() As IActivationFunction            Get                Return [function]            End Get            Set(ByVal value As IActivationFunction)                [function] = value            End Set        End Property        ' 输出值        Public ReadOnly Property Output() As Double            Get                Return m_output            End Get        End Property        ' 设置—获取权        Default Public Property Item(ByVal index As Integer) As Double            Get                Return weights(index)            End Get            Set(ByVal value As Double)                weights(index) = value            End Set        End Property        ' 创建         Public Sub New()        End Sub        Public Sub New(ByVal inputs As Integer)            Me.New(inputs, New SigmoidFunction())        End Sub        Public Sub New(ByVal inputs As Integer, ByVal [function] As IActivationFunction)            Me.[function] = [function]            InputsCount = inputs        End Sub        ' 计算神经输出值         Public Function Compute(ByVal input As Double()) As Double            If input.Length <> m_inputsCount Then                Throw New ArgumentException()            End If            sum = 0.0            For i As Integer = 0 To m_inputsCount - 1                ' 计算输入值加权和                 sum += weights(i) * input(i)            Next            m_output = [function].Output(sum)            Return m_output        End Function        ' 随机权值         Public Sub Randomize()            For i As Integer = 0 To m_inputsCount - 1                weights(i) = (rand.NextDouble())            Next        End Sub    End Class
'''      ''' 激励函数 —— 接口    '''      Public Interface IActivationFunction        ' 计算函数值        Function Output(ByVal input As Double) As Double        ' 计算函数值微分        Function OutputPrime(ByVal input As Double) As Double        ' 计算函数值微分        ' 使用函数值作为输入        Function OutputPrime2(ByVal input As Double) As Double    End Interface
Public Class Layer        ' 输入个数        Protected m_inputsCount As Integer        '神经元个数        Protected m_neuronsCount As Integer        '层激励函数        Protected [function] As IActivationFunction        '神经        Protected neurons As Neuron()        '输出        Protected m_output As Double()        ' 输入个数        Public Property InputsCount() As Integer            Get                Return m_inputsCount            End Get            Set(ByVal value As Integer)                m_inputsCount = Math.Max(1, value)                InitLayer()            End Set        End Property        ' 神经个数        Public Property NeuronsCount() As Integer            Get                Return m_neuronsCount            End Get            Set(ByVal value As Integer)                m_neuronsCount = Math.Max(1, value)                InitLayer()            End Set        End Property        ' 激励函数        Public Property ActivationFunction() As IActivationFunction            Get                Return [function]            End Get            Set(ByVal value As IActivationFunction)                [function] = value                For i As Integer = 0 To m_neuronsCount - 1                    neurons(i).ActivationFunction = value                Next            End Set        End Property        ' 获取指定神经元        Default Public ReadOnly Property Item(ByVal index As Integer) As Neuron            Get                Return neurons(index)            End Get        End Property        ' 获取层输出        Public ReadOnly Property Output() As Double()            Get                Return m_output            End Get        End Property        ' 创建         Public Sub New()            Me.New(1, 1, New SigmoidFunction())        End Sub        Public Sub New(ByVal neuronsCount As Integer)            Me.New(neuronsCount, 1, New SigmoidFunction())        End Sub        Public Sub New(ByVal neuronsCount As Integer, ByVal inputsCount As Integer)            Me.New(neuronsCount, inputsCount, New SigmoidFunction())        End Sub        Public Sub New(ByVal neuronsCount As Integer, ByVal inputsCount As Integer, ByVal [function] As IActivationFunction)            Me.m_inputsCount = Math.Max(1, inputsCount)            Me.m_neuronsCount = Math.Max(1, neuronsCount)            Me.[function] = [function]            InitLayer()        End Sub        ' 计算层输出        Public Function Compute(ByVal input As Double()) As Double()            For i As Integer = 0 To m_neuronsCount - 1                m_output(i) = neurons(i).Compute(input)            Next            Return m_output        End Function        ' 随机化该层        Public Sub Randomize()            For Each neuron As Neuron In neurons                neuron.Randomize()            Next        End Sub        ' 初始化层        Private Sub InitLayer()            ' 创建层            neurons = New Neuron(m_neuronsCount - 1) {}            For i As Integer = 0 To m_neuronsCount - 1                neurons(i) = New Neuron(m_inputsCount, [function])            Next            ' 分配输出数组            m_output = New Double(m_neuronsCount - 1) {}        End Sub    End Class
    '''      ''' 网络——神经层的集合     '''      
Public Class Network        ' 输入个数        Protected inputsCount As Integer        '层数        Protected m_layersCount As Integer        '输出        Protected m_output As Double()        '层        Protected layers As Layer()
        ' 层数        Public ReadOnly Property LayersCount() As Integer            Get                Return m_layersCount            End Get        End Property        ' 获取指定层        Default Public ReadOnly Property Item(ByVal index As Integer) As Layer            Get                Return layers(index)            End Get        End Property        ' 获取输出         Public ReadOnly Property Output() As Double()            Get                Return m_output            End Get        End Property        Sub New()        End Sub        ' Constructors         Public Sub New(ByVal inputsCount As Integer, ByVal ParamArray neuronsCountPerLayer As Integer())            Me.New(New SigmoidFunction(), inputsCount, neuronsCountPerLayer)        End Sub        Public Sub New(ByVal [function] As IActivationFunction, ByVal inputsCount As Integer, ByVal ParamArray neuronsCountPerLayer As Integer())            Me.inputsCount = Math.Max(1, inputsCount)            Me.m_layersCount = neuronsCountPerLayer.Length            ' 创建层集合            layers = New Layer(m_layersCount - 1) {}            For i As Integer = 0 To m_layersCount - 1                Dim m As Integer = 0                If i = 0 Then m = inputsCount Else m = neuronsCountPerLayer(i - 1)                layers(i) = New Layer(neuronsCountPerLayer(i), m, [function])            Next        End Sub
        ' 计算输出        Public Function Compute(ByVal input As Double()) As Double()            m_output = input            For i As Integer = 0 To m_layersCount - 1                m_output = layers(i).Compute(m_output)            Next            Return m_output        End Function
        ' 随机化网络        Public Sub Randomize()            For Each layer As Layer In layers                layer.Randomize()            Next        End Sub
    End Class
具体应用呢,我们需要另外定义一些属性、方法,来实现Back Propagation Learning:
学习次数     误差       Now.Second(当前时间的秒)
100  1.74766228723842   49200  1.33293174843217   49300  1.21399094064815   49400  1.15740689778003   49500  1.12433264177344   49600  1.10263310876503   50700  1.08728586760529   50800  1.07582728337775   50900  1.06688719120981   501000  1.05958542167266   501100  1.05308338562932   511200  1.04373940177007   511247  0.997537607633144   511300  0.608558811884911   511400  0.304230610883604   511500  0.212165790693552   511600  0.165892333507009   511700  0.138465048204805   521800  0.120396685718836   521900  0.107594382540998   521978  0.099921549727966   52

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[***.229.124.182]2024年04月08日 06时34分54秒