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解法 时间复杂度 空间复杂度 执行用时
Ans 1 (Python) O ( 9 N ) O(9^N) O(9N) : 其中N为最长可能结果的位数 O ( N ) O(N) O(N) 超出时间限制
Ans 2 (Python) O ( T ) O(T) O(T) : 其中T为target的值 O ( T ) O(T) O(T) 420ms (43.94%)
Ans 3 (Python) O ( T ) O(T) O(T) : 其中T为target的值 O ( T ) O(T) O(T) 224ms (92.94%)


class Solution:    def largestNumber(self, cost: List[int], target: int) -> str:        # 排序的所有成本选择        ordered_cost = list(sorted(set(cost)))        N = len(ordered_cost)        # 回溯算法计算最多位数的选择        length = target // ordered_cost[0]  # 最大可能位数        lst = [0] * length  # 当前成本列表        now = ordered_cost[0] * length  # 当前总成本        maybe_lst = []        while True:            # 如果等于目标结果,则提取目标结果            if now == target:                maybe_lst.append(tuple(lst))            # 继续完成回溯算法            this_idx = lst.pop()  # 当前被替换对象            next_idx = this_idx + 1            now -= ordered_cost[this_idx]            # 如果当前最后一位可以被替换为更大的且不超过target,则替换最后一位            if next_idx < N and now + ordered_cost[next_idx] <= target:                num = (target - now) // ordered_cost[next_idx]                lst += [next_idx] * num                now += ordered_cost[next_idx] * num            # 如果当前最后一位不能被替换为更大的且不超过target,则替换前一位            elif lst:                this_idx = lst.pop()  # 当前被替换对象                now -= ordered_cost[this_idx]                next_idx = this_idx + 1                if next_idx < N and now + ordered_cost[next_idx] <= target:                    num = (target - now) // ordered_cost[next_idx]                    lst += [next_idx] * num                    now += ordered_cost[next_idx] * num            # 如果已回溯到开头            else:                break        # 如果没有回溯到结果则返回"0"        if not maybe_lst:            return "0"        # 生成成本和最大数字的对应表        cost_dict = {
} for i, ch in enumerate(reversed(cost)): if ch not in cost_dict: cost_dict[ch] = 9 - i # 生成所有可能的结果 ans = [] for elem in maybe_lst: maybe_ans = [cost_dict[ordered_cost[elem]] for elem in elem] maybe_ans = int("".join([str(elem) for elem in sorted(maybe_ans, reverse=True)])) ans.append(maybe_ans) return str(max(ans))


class Solution:    def largestNumber(self, cost: List[int], target: int) -> str:        # 生成状态列表        dp = [tuple()] * (target + 1)        dp[0] = (0,)        # 生成成本和最大数字的对应表        cost_dict = {
} for i, ch in enumerate(reversed(cost)): if ch not in cost_dict: cost_dict[ch] = 9 - i # 计算状态列表 for i in range(1, target + 1): maybe_lst = [] for c in cost_dict: idx = i - c if idx >= 0 and dp[idx]: maybe_lst.append(dp[idx] + (cost_dict[c],)) if maybe_lst: dp[i] = max(maybe_lst, key=lambda x: (len(x), x)) # 返回结果 return "".join([str(elem) for elem in dp[-1][1:]]) if dp[-1] else "0"



class Solution:    def largestNumber(self, cost: List[int], target: int) -> str:        # 生成状态列表        dp = [""] * (target + 1)        dp[0] = "0"        # 生成成本和最大数字的对应表        cost_dict = {
} for i, ch in enumerate(reversed(cost)): if ch not in cost_dict: cost_dict[ch] = str(9 - i) # 计算状态列表 for i in range(1, target + 1): maybe_lst = [] for c in cost_dict: idx = i - c if idx >= 0 and dp[idx]: maybe_lst.append(dp[idx] + cost_dict[c]) if maybe_lst: dp[i] = max(maybe_lst, key=lambda x: (len(x), x)) # 返回结果 return dp[-1][1:] if dp[-1] else "0"

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[***.243.131.199]2024年04月27日 17时19分00秒