发布日期:2021-06-29 21:23:34 浏览次数:2 分类:技术文章

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亲爱的同学、敬爱的老师们:请一定要相信,每一个人都是天生的艺术家。在新学期到来之际,体育教育中心推出的全新21天健康系列活动——“舞动西浦”正式揭幕。想让自己与众不同,更加自信有气质吗?来跳舞吧!本系列活动分为爵士、大众健身操舞、K-pop Dance三期,每期持续7天。我们准备了不同风格的舞蹈,种类繁多,总有一种是适合你的!不论是为了展现自己,或者是为了锻炼身体,都是一个不错的选择。“挑战青春的无限可能,在舞蹈的世界中释放活力。舞蹈无界,给自己一个机会,跳出自信你就是最棒的舞蹈大师!”以下是本学期“舞动西浦”的活动时间安排表:第一期活动时间:3.22-3.28(爵士),每晚18:00-19:00 ,地点:GM303 第二期活动时间:4.19-4.25(大众健身操舞),每晚18:00-19:00 ,地点:GM303第三期活动时间:5.10-5.16(K-pop Dance),每晚18:00-19:00 ,地点:GM303注意哦!现在第一期“舞动西浦——爵士”报名通道已经开启!报名时间:3月17日8:00开始报名报名方式:扫描下方图片中的二维码我们将根据扫描二维码的顺序取其前40名作为参加本期爵士舞活动的人员名单,如果没有成为本期活动的前40名的幸运儿也请不要灰心,请在第二、三期活动报名时再接再厉!艾瑞巴蒂千万不要错过报名时间呀!体育教育中心2021-3-15

Dear teachers and students,Please do believe, everyone is born to be an artist.At the beginning of this new semester, “Let’s Dance” was launched for you! This is a part of the brand new “Dynamic 21 Days” event for health organized by the PEC. Do you want to be more unique, more confident, and more energetic? Let’s dance! This project is divided into three rounds of Jazz, Aerobics, and K-pop Dance respectively, and each last for 7 days. We prepare various different styles of dances, enough to meet your need! It would be a good opportunity either for showing yourself or for getting fit.Release your vitality in the dancing world and challenge yourself. Dancing has no limits. Get yourself a chance and become the great and confident dancing master! The timetable of “Let’s Dance” is as follows:Round 1—Jazz, from 22nd Mar to 28th Mar, 18:00-19:00, avenue: GM303Round 2—Aerobics, from 19th Apr to 25th Apr, 18:00-19:00, avenue: GM303Round 3—K-pop Dance, from 10th May to 16th May, 18:00-19:00, avenue: GM303 Attentions! Registration for Round 1 “Let’s dancing–Jazz” is now about to be open!The registration will be open at 8:00 17th MarchThe way of registration: Scan the QR code belowThe top 40 will be selected according to the order of registration by scanning the QR code as below in round 1. Do not worry if you miss the registration this time, please focus on our updates and you still have the chance to join us in Round 2 and 3. DO DO DO remember to register!

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