(ZT) setting a break in windbg when windows message queue have message which like WM_LBUTTONDOWN
发布日期:2021-06-30 22:04:09 浏览次数:2 分类:技术文章

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i wang to setting a break in windbg when windows message queue have message which like WM_LBUTTONDOWN and others?

how do i set the command?

debug environment:

win7 32bit OS+VMware win7 32 bit OS+windbg

what the command i do now is :

bu User32!PostMessageA ".if(poi(@edx+0x05) = 0x0201) {.printf \"[1111]\";} .else {.printf \"[2222]\";gc}"

but there is no any responsewhen i chick left mouse button on the VMware win7 system desktop,where has a proplem???????




PostMessage API is Not a part of Message Queue it is used to post a message to any Threads MessageQueue

if you are specifically interested in Message Queue handling

Set Breakpoints on one of these apis

1) GetMessage() 2) TranslateMessage() 3) DispatchMessage etc

why are you using edx register   and why are you accessing it unaligned (edx+5 ) 

normally any message is passed in stack  in a MSG structure

BOOL TranslateMessage(

    CONST MSG *lpMsg     // address of structure with message


Points to an MSG structure that contains message information retrieved from the calling thread's message queue by using the GetMessage or PeekMessage

typedef struct tagMSG {     // msg  

    HWND   hwnd;    
    UINT   message; <---------------------
    WPARAM wParam;
    LPARAM lParam;
    DWORD  time;
    POINT  pt;
} MSG;

so if you are setting a bp on TranslateMessage api then (esp+4) would point to MSG Structure

ie poi(esp+4) == MSG Structure

so poi(poi(esp+4)+4) will contain the ActualMessage

so if you set a break like below

bu user32!TranslateMessage ".if ((poi(poi(esp+4)+4))==0x201) { .printf \"WM_MOUSECLICK\\n\" };gc"

then when you click with mouse windbg will print MOUSECLICK

0:001> bl

 0 e 7e418bf6     0001 (0001)  0:**** user32!TranslateMessage ".if ((poi(poi(esp+4)+4))==0x201) { .printf \"WM_MOUSECLICK\\n\" };gc"
0:001> g


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上一篇:windbg : set message break point on win7x64
下一篇:experiment : create a server, wait telnet to connect



[***.104.42.241]2024年04月27日 01时33分01秒