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一个单线程的引用计数类, 针对具体类.

/// @file exam_x_x.cpp/// @brief 测试引用计数类#include 
#include "RefCount.h"#include "RefOwner.h"using namespace std;void clear_cin();void fnTestRefCount();int main(int argc, char** argv, char** envp){ fnTestRefCount(); cout << "END, press any key to quit" << endl; clear_cin(); getchar(); return 0;}void fnTestRefCount(){ cout << endl << "fnTestRefCount() ==> CRefCount ref1(new CRefOwner(\"ref1\"));" << endl << endl; CRefCount ref1(new CRefOwner("ref1")); cout << endl << "fnTestRefCount() ==> CRefCount ref2(ref1);" << endl << endl; CRefCount ref2(ref1); cout << endl << "fnTestRefCount() ==> CRefCount ref3(new CRefOwner(\"ref3\"));" << endl << endl; CRefCount ref3(new CRefOwner("ref3")); cout << endl << "fnTestRefCount() ==> CRefCount ref4(ref3);" << endl << endl; CRefCount ref4(ref3); cout << endl << "fnTestRefCount() <==" << endl << endl;}void clear_cin(){ cin.clear(); cin.sync();}
// RefCount.h: interface for the CRefCount class.////#if !defined(AFX_REFCOUNT_H__2F7675D6_BDC0_4BE6_A0FD_14F51476D8ED__INCLUDED_)#define AFX_REFCOUNT_H__2F7675D6_BDC0_4BE6_A0FD_14F51476D8ED__INCLUDED_#if _MSC_VER > 1000#pragma once#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000#include "RefOwner.h"class CRefCount  {public:	CRefCount(CRefOwner* pOwner);    CRefCount(const CRefCount* pObj);    CRefCount(const CRefCount& Obj);	virtual ~CRefCount();    void addRef(); ///< 引用计数++    int releaseRef(); ///< 引用计数--private:    void cpyAndAddRef(const CRefCount* pObj);private:    int* m_piRefCount; ///< 引用计数点数指针    CRefOwner* m_pOwner; ///< 引用计数所有者指针s};#endif // !defined(AFX_REFCOUNT_H__2F7675D6_BDC0_4BE6_A0FD_14F51476D8ED__INCLUDED_)
// RefCount.cpp: implementation of the CRefCount class.////#include 
#include "RefCount.h"//// Construction/Destruction//using namespace std;CRefCount::CRefCount(CRefOwner* pOwner):m_piRefCount(NULL),m_pOwner(NULL){ cout << "CRefCount::CRefCount this = " << this << " pOwner = 0x" << pOwner << endl; m_piRefCount = new int(0); m_pOwner = pOwner; addRef();}CRefCount::CRefCount(const CRefCount* pObj){ cpyAndAddRef(pObj);}CRefCount::CRefCount(const CRefCount& Obj){ cpyAndAddRef(&Obj);}void CRefCount::cpyAndAddRef(const CRefCount* pObj){ if ((NULL == pObj) || (this == pObj)) { return; } m_piRefCount = pObj->m_piRefCount; m_pOwner = pObj->m_pOwner; addRef();}CRefCount::~CRefCount(){ if (0 == releaseRef()) { cout << "CRefCount::~CRefCount() this = " << this << " 0 == releaseRef()" << endl; if (NULL != m_pOwner) { cout << "CRefCount::~CRefCount() this = " << this << " delete m_pOwner " << m_pOwner << endl; delete m_pOwner; m_pOwner = NULL; } if (NULL != m_piRefCount) { cout << "CRefCount::~CRefCount() this = " << this << " delete m_piRefCount " << m_piRefCount << endl; delete m_piRefCount; m_piRefCount = NULL; } }}void CRefCount::addRef(){ int iRc = 0; if (NULL != m_piRefCount) { (*m_piRefCount)++; iRc = *m_piRefCount; cout << "CRefCount::addRef this = " << this << " *m_piRefCount = " << *m_piRefCount << endl; }}int CRefCount::releaseRef(){ int iRc = 0; iRc = (NULL != *m_piRefCount) ? (--(*m_piRefCount)) : 0; cout << "CRefCount::releaseRef this = " << this << " *m_piRefCount = " << iRc << endl; return iRc;}
// RefOwner.h: interface for the CRefOwner class.////#if !defined(AFX_REFOWNER_H__C08C0436_4EE1_4AE6_9EC2_B6E320280FAE__INCLUDED_)#define AFX_REFOWNER_H__C08C0436_4EE1_4AE6_9EC2_B6E320280FAE__INCLUDED_#if _MSC_VER > 1000#pragma once#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000class CRefOwner  {public:	CRefOwner(const char* pszName);	virtual ~CRefOwner();private:    char *m_pszName;};#endif // !defined(AFX_REFOWNER_H__C08C0436_4EE1_4AE6_9EC2_B6E320280FAE__INCLUDED_)
// RefOwner.cpp: implementation of the CRefOwner class.////#include 
#include "RefOwner.h"using namespace std;//// Construction/Destruction//CRefOwner::CRefOwner(const char* pszName){ cout << "CRefOwner::CRefOwner this = " << this << " pszName = " << pszName << " " << endl; m_pszName = new char[strlen(pszName) + 1]; strcpy(m_pszName, pszName);}CRefOwner::~CRefOwner(){ if (NULL != m_pszName) { cout << "CRefOwner::~CRefOwner this = " << this << " m_pszName = " << m_pszName << endl; delete[] m_pszName; m_pszName = NULL; }}

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