发布日期:2021-06-30 22:10:17 浏览次数:2 分类:技术文章

本文共 7448 字,大约阅读时间需要 24 分钟。



当x为有符号数时, 此公式适用.
此公式推导的前提是 x < 0.
随着编译器生成的c不同,有可能n就是32, 不再需要右移了.
但是最后的-x+1的动作还是有的(x > 0时, 等于 + 0, 和无符号除以非2的幂相同了).


// hw.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//#include "stdafx.h"#include 
void fnIdiv3(int x) { printf("==========\r\n"); printf("%d\r\n", x/3);}void fnIdiv5(int x) { printf("==========\r\n"); printf("%d\r\n", x/5);}void fnIdiv6(int x) { printf("==========\r\n"); printf("%d\r\n", x/6);}void fnIdiv9(int x) { printf("==========\r\n"); printf("%d\r\n", x/9);}int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ // hw1_5 验证 : 有符号数除以非2的幂(MagicNumber为正) fnIdiv3(6); fnIdiv5(15); fnIdiv6(24); fnIdiv9(45); fnIdiv3(-6); fnIdiv5(-15); fnIdiv6(-24); fnIdiv9(-45); /** run result ========== 2 ========== 3 ========== 4 ========== 5 ========== -2 ========== -3 ========== -4 ========== -5 请按任意键继续. . . */ system("pause"); return 0;}
.text:00401000 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================.text:00401000.text:00401000.text:00401000 fniDiv3         proc near               ; CODE XREF: _main+2p.text:00401000                                         ; _main+1Ep.text:00401000.text:00401000 arg_0           = dword ptr  4.text:00401000.text:00401000                 push    offset Format   ; "==========\r\n".text:00401005                 call    _printf.text:0040100A                 mov     ecx, [esp+4+arg_0] ; step1.text:0040100E                 mov     eax, 55555556h  ; step2.text:00401013                 imul    ecx             ; step3.text:00401015                 mov     eax, edx        ; step4.text:00401017                 add     esp, 4.text:0040101A                 shr     eax, 1Fh        ; step5.text:0040101D                 add     edx, eax        ; step6.text:0040101F                 push    edx.text:00401020                 push    offset aD       ; "%d\r\n".text:00401025                 call    _printf.text:0040102A                 add     esp, 8.text:0040102D                 retn.text:0040102D fniDiv3         endp.text:0040102D.text:0040102D ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------.text:0040102E                 align 10h.text:00401030.text:00401030 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================.text:00401030.text:00401030.text:00401030 fniDiv5         proc near               ; CODE XREF: _main+9p.text:00401030                                         ; _main+25p.text:00401030.text:00401030 arg_0           = dword ptr  4.text:00401030.text:00401030                 push    offset Format   ; "==========\r\n".text:00401035                 call    _printf.text:0040103A                 mov     ecx, [esp+4+arg_0] ; step1.text:0040103E                 mov     eax, 66666667h  ; step2.text:00401043                 imul    ecx             ; step3.text:00401045                 sar     edx, 1          ; step4.text:00401047                 mov     eax, edx        ; step5.text:00401049                 add     esp, 4.text:0040104C                 shr     eax, 1Fh        ; step6.text:0040104F                 add     edx, eax        ; step7.text:00401051                 push    edx.text:00401052                 push    offset aD       ; "%d\r\n".text:00401057                 call    _printf.text:0040105C                 add     esp, 8.text:0040105F                 retn.text:0040105F fniDiv5         endp.text:0040105F.text:00401060.text:00401060 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================.text:00401060.text:00401060.text:00401060 fniDiv6         proc near               ; CODE XREF: _main+10p.text:00401060                                         ; _main+2Cp.text:00401060.text:00401060 arg_0           = dword ptr  4.text:00401060.text:00401060                 push    offset Format   ; "==========\r\n".text:00401065                 call    _printf.text:0040106A                 mov     ecx, [esp+4+arg_0] ; step1.text:0040106E                 mov     eax, 2AAAAAABh  ; step2.text:00401073                 imul    ecx             ; step3.text:00401075                 mov     eax, edx        ; step4.text:00401077                 add     esp, 4.text:0040107A                 shr     eax, 1Fh        ; step5.text:0040107D                 add     edx, eax        ; step6.text:0040107F                 push    edx.text:00401080                 push    offset aD       ; "%d\r\n".text:00401085                 call    _printf.text:0040108A                 add     esp, 8.text:0040108D                 retn.text:0040108D fniDiv6         endp.text:0040108D.text:0040108D ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------.text:0040108E                 align 10h.text:00401090.text:00401090 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================.text:00401090.text:00401090.text:00401090 fniDiv9         proc near               ; CODE XREF: _main+17p.text:00401090                                         ; _main+33p.text:00401090.text:00401090 arg_0           = dword ptr  4.text:00401090.text:00401090                 push    offset Format   ; "==========\r\n".text:00401095                 call    _printf.text:0040109A                 mov     ecx, [esp+4+arg_0] ; step1.text:0040109E                 mov     eax, 38E38E39h  ; step2.text:004010A3                 imul    ecx             ; step3.text:004010A5                 sar     edx, 1          ; step4.text:004010A7                 mov     eax, edx        ; step5.text:004010A9                 add     esp, 4.text:004010AC                 shr     eax, 1Fh        ; step6.text:004010AF                 add     edx, eax        ; step7.text:004010B1                 push    edx.text:004010B2                 push    offset aD       ; "%d\r\n".text:004010B7                 call    _printf.text:004010BC                 add     esp, 8.text:004010BF                 retn.text:004010BF fniDiv9         endp.text:004010BF.text:004010C0.text:004010C0 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================.text:004010C0.text:004010C0.text:004010C0 ; int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp).text:004010C0 _main           proc near               ; CODE XREF: start+AFp.text:004010C0                 push    6.text:004010C2                 call    fniDiv3.text:004010C7                 push    15.text:004010C9                 call    fniDiv5.text:004010CE                 push    24.text:004010D0                 call    fniDiv6.text:004010D5                 push    45.text:004010D7                 call    fniDiv9.text:004010DC                 push    -6.text:004010DE                 call    fniDiv3.text:004010E3                 push    -15.text:004010E5                 call    fniDiv5.text:004010EA                 push    -24.text:004010EC                 call    fniDiv6.text:004010F1                 push    -45.text:004010F3                 call    fniDiv9.text:004010F8                 push    offset aPause   ; "pause".text:004010FD                 call    _my_system.text:00401102                 add     esp, 24h.text:00401105                 xor     eax, eax.text:00401107                 retn.text:00401107 _main           endp.text:00401107.text:00401107 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

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[***.219.124.196]2024年04月19日 02时35分56秒