linux sh : read user input
发布日期:2021-06-30 22:17:02 浏览次数:2 分类:技术文章

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#   redirect output to file use : 1> log_file #   redirect error to file use : 2> log_file #   cmd param 1> /home/dev/run_result.txt 2> /home/dev/run_result.txt


# !/bin/bash# @file @brief Knowledge point below#   * read user input, can process input timeout, e.g. read_user_input()#   * read input form yes or no, e.g. read_user_input_yes_or_no()#   * read password input, e.g. read_user_input_password()# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------# define macro# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------PROG_NAME="rec user input"PROG_VER=""PROG_TIME="2018-02-12 12:54"IND_CHAR=-LINE10=${IND_CHAR}${IND_CHAR}${IND_CHAR}${IND_CHAR}${IND_CHAR}${IND_CHAR}${IND_CHAR}${IND_CHAR}${IND_CHAR}${IND_CHAR}LINE80=${LINE10}${LINE10}${LINE10}${LINE10}${LINE10}${LINE10}${LINE10}${LINE10}WALL_CHAR='|'# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------# global value# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------## err code define#g_err_code_base=0g_err_code_ok=$(echo "scale=4; $g_err_code_base + 0" | bc)g_err_code_err=$(echo "scale=4; $g_err_code_base + 1" | bc)g_err_code_timeout=$(echo "scale=4; $g_err_code_base + 2" | bc)g_err_code_input_yes=$(echo "scale=4; $g_err_code_base + 3" | bc)g_err_code_input_no=$(echo "scale=4; $g_err_code_base + 4" | bc)# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------# init# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------function func_init() {    local i_index=0    clear    # print 25 empty lines for run result    for (( i_index=0; i_index < 25; i_index++ ))    do        echo    done}# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------# uinit# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------function func_uinit() {    exit 0}# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------# show title# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------function func_show_title() {    echo -e "${LINE80}"    echo -e -n "${WALL_CHAR}"    echo -e "\t@brief\twrap some functin to recv user input"    echo -e "${LINE80}"}# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------# show tail# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------function func_show_tail() {    echo -e "${LINE80}"    echo -e -n "${WALL_CHAR}"    echo -e "\tEND"    echo -e "${LINE80}"}# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------# show os info# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------function func_show_os_info() {    local str_date=$(date +%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S)    # show time    echo -e -n "${WALL_CHAR}"    echo -e "\t${str_date}"    # show shell    echo -e -n "${WALL_CHAR}"    echo -e "\t${SHELL}"    # show language    echo -e -n "${WALL_CHAR}"    echo -e "\t${LANG}"    # show user    echo -e -n "${WALL_CHAR}"    echo -e "\t${USER}"    echo -e "${LINE80}"}# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------# show prog info# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------function func_show_prog_info() {    # show prog name    echo -e -n "${WALL_CHAR}"    echo -e "\t${PROG_NAME}"    # show prog version    echo -e -n "${WALL_CHAR}"    echo -e "\t${PROG_VER}"    # show code modify time    echo -e -n "${WALL_CHAR}"    echo -e "\t${PROG_TIME}"    echo -e "${LINE80}"}# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------# @fn read_user_input()# @param IN sz_tip# @param OUT g_str_user_input# @return g_err_code_# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------g_str_user_input=""function read_user_input() {    local rc=0    echo -e -n "$1 :"    # -t x is set timeout    read -t 5 g_str_user_input    rc=$?    echo    if [ $rc -ne 0 ]    then        return $g_err_code_timeout    fi    return $g_err_code_ok}# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------# @fn read_user_input_yes_or_no()# @param IN sz_tip# @return g_err_code_input_yes or g_err_code_input_no# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------function read_user_input_yes_or_no() {    local rc=0    str_user_input=""    while $true    do        echo -e -n "$1 :"        # -t x is set timeout        read -n1 -t 5 str_user_input        rc=$?        echo        # case input timeout        if [ $rc -ne 0 ]        then            return $g_err_code_input_yes # if user not input, default is YES        fi        # case input is empty or press enter key        if [ -z $str_user_input ]        then            # use input content is empty            return $g_err_code_input_yes # if user not input, default is YES        fi        case $str_user_input in        "Y" | "y")            return $g_err_code_input_yes            ;;        "N" | "n")            return $g_err_code_input_no            ;;        *)            continue            ;;        esac    done    return $g_err_code_input_yes}# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------# @fn read_user_input_password()# @param IN sz_tip# @param OUT g_str_user_input_password# @return g_err_code_ok or g_err_code_err# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------g_str_user_input_password=""function read_user_input_password() {    local rc=0    while $true    do        echo -e -n "$1 :"        # -s is hide display        read -s g_str_user_input_password        echo        # case input is empty or press enter key        if [ -z $g_str_user_input_password ]        then            # use input content is empty            echo "password not allow to empty :)"            continue        fi        if ! [ -n $g_str_user_input_password ]        then            # use input content is empty            echo "password not allow to empty :)"            continue        fi        # is password not empty, is right, can return password        break    done    return $g_err_code_ok}# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------# do task# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------function func_do_task() {    local rc=0    read_user_input_password "please input password"    rc=$?    case $rc in    $g_err_code_ok)        echo "password is: [$g_str_user_input_password]"        ;;    *)        echo "not input password"        ;;    esac    return    read_user_input_yes_or_no "will be quit prog, are you sure? (Y/N)"    rc=$?    case $rc in    $g_err_code_input_yes)        echo "user input is YES"        ;;    $g_err_code_input_no)        echo "user input is NO"        ;;    *)        echo "error : not YES or NO"        ;;    esac    read_user_input "please input"    rc=$?    if [ $rc -eq $g_err_code_ok ]    then        echo "user input is : $g_str_user_input"    elif [ $rc -eq $g_err_code_timeout ]    then        echo "read time out, please use default input value"    else        echo "unknow error when read user input"    fi}# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------# main shell script# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------func_initfunc_show_titlefunc_show_prog_infofunc_show_os_infofunc_do_taskfunc_show_tailfunc_uinit

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上一篇:linux sh : user array as function's input or output parameter
下一篇:linux shell script : check user exist



[***.217.46.12]2024年04月19日 22时47分54秒