LeetCode C++ 1590. Make Sum Divisible by P【数学/前缀和】中等
发布日期:2021-07-01 02:52:05 浏览次数:2 分类:技术文章

本文共 4219 字,大约阅读时间需要 14 分钟。

Given an array of positive integers nums , remove the smallest subarray (possibly empty) such that the sum of the remaining elements is divisible by p . It is not allowed to remove the whole array.

Return the length of the smallest subarray that you need to remove, or -1 if it’s impossible.

A subarray is defined as a contiguous block of elements in the array.

Example 1:

Input: nums = [3,1,4,2], p = 6Output: 1Explanation: The sum of the elements in nums is 10, which is not divisible by 6. We can remove the subarray [4], and the sum of the remaining elements is 6, which is divisible by 6.

Example 2:

Input: nums = [6,3,5,2], p = 9Output: 2Explanation: We cannot remove a single element to get a sum divisible by 9. The best way is to remove the subarray [5,2], leaving us with [6,3] with sum 9.

Example 3:

Input: nums = [1,2,3], p = 3Output: 0Explanation: Here the sum is 6. which is already divisible by 3. Thus we do not need to remove anything.

Example 4:

Input: nums = [1,2,3], p = 7Output: -1Explanation: There is no way to remove a subarray in order to get a sum divisible by 7.

Example 5:

Input: nums = [1000000000,1000000000,1000000000], p = 3Output: 0


  • 1 <= nums.length <= 105
  • 1 <= nums[i] <= 109
  • 1 <= p <= 109

题意:给出一个正整数数组 nums ,移除 最短子数组(可以为空),使得剩余元素的和能被 p 整除。 不允许将整个数组都移除。返回这个最短子数组的长度。


  • 计算整个数组的和 s u m {sum} sum ,如果 sum   m o d   p == 0 \text{sum}\bmod \text{p == 0} summodp == 0 ,就不需要移出任何子数组,直接返回 0 0 0
  • x = sum   m o d   p \text{x = sum} \bmod \text{p} x = summodp ,如果我们要移除子数组,使得剩余元素的和能够被 p p p 整除,或者说是 p p p 的整数倍(倍数设为 k k k );
  • 根据同余的定义可知,子数组的和 s u b s u m subsum subsum 应与整个数组的和 s u m sum sum p p p 同余,即: subsum ≡ sum ( m o d p ) \text{subsum} \equiv \text{sum}\pmod{\text{p}} subsumsum(modp)
  • 或者由模运算对减法的封闭性: (sum   m o d   p - subsum   m o d   p)   m o d   p = ( sum - subsum)   m o d   p = 0 \text{(sum} \bmod \text{p - subsum} \bmod \text{p)} \bmod \text{p} =(\text{sum - subsum)} \bmod \text{p} = 0 (summodp - subsummodp)modp=(sum - subsum)modp=0
    可知, s u m sum sum s u b s u m subsum subsum p p p 的余数需要相等。
  • 于是,问题转换为: 怎样判断有没有这样的子数组,如何找到模 p p p 的余数等于 x x x 的子数组?似乎做过类似的题目:523. Continuous Subarray Sum ——只不过那道题是寻找有没有模 k k k 的余数为 0 0 0 的子数组。拓展一下,假设现在手中有一段前缀和 s u m j sum_j sumj ,它模 p p p 的余数为 q q q ,要寻找有没有模 p p p 的余数等于 x x x 的子数组 a r r i , j arr_{i,j} arri,j ,就只需要判断是否存在一个前缀和 s u m i − 1 sum_{i-1} sumi1 ,它模 p p p 的值等于 ( q − x )     m o d     p (q - x)\ \bmod\ p (qx) mod p
  • 于是,我们只需要用映射,在其中寻找有没有前缀和模 p p p 的余数,等于当前的前缀和 s u m j sum_j sumj p p p 的余数 q q q 减去 x x x
    • 如果没有找到,就记录当前位置前缀和 %   p \%\ p % p 的值及其最右位置;
    • 如果找到,且长度更短,就更新最短的子数组长度。

nums = [3,1,4,2], p = 6 为例:

前缀和 % p 的序列 = [3,4,2,4]整个数组的和 %6 等于 4--------------------------------------------------------------------------sumj = 4, sumj % 6 = 4 时, 要判断有没有某个子数组模 6 等于 4只需要判断有没有某个前缀和模 6 等于 0.最初的前缀和等于 0, 所以此时移除子数组 nums[0:2) , 长度为2.--------------------------------------------------------------------------sumj = 8, sumj % 6 = 2 时, 要判断有没有某个子数组模 6 等于 4只需要判断有没有某个前缀和模 6 等于 (2 - 4) % 6 = 4可知sumi = 3 + 1 = 4, sumi % 6 = 4, 于是移除子数组 nums[2], 长度为1, 符合题意


class Solution {
public: int minSubarray(vector
& nums, int p) {
int sum = 0, n = nums.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) sum = (sum + nums[i]) % p; if (sum % p == 0) return 0; //整个正整数数组的和已经可以被p整除 int ansLen = -1, now = 0; //最短子数组的长度 unordered_map
record; record[0] = 0; //如果sum % p == x, 那么移除的子数组之和t应该满足t % p == x //(sum % p - t % p) % p = (sum - t) % p = 0 for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
now = (now + nums[i]) % p; //此处前缀和 % p == now //如果有一个前缀和 %p == (now - x) % p, 那么存在子数组 %p == x int last = (now - sum + p) % p; //+p,防止now-sum为负数,出现取余和取模的不一致 unordered_map
::iterator it = record.find(last); if (it != record.end()) if (ansLen == -1 || i + 1 - it->second < ansLen) ansLen = i + 1 - it->second; //更新最短子数组的长度 record[now] = i + 1; //记录前缀和和这一前缀和的数组长度 } if (ansLen == n) return -1; //不可以移除整个数组 return ansLen; }};


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上一篇:LeetCode C++ 523. Continuous Subarray Sum【哈希表/前缀和/模运算】中等
下一篇:LeetCode C++ 766. Toeplitz Matrix【Array】简单



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