LeetCode MySQL 1205. 每月交易II(union all)*
发布日期:2021-07-01 03:30:25 浏览次数:2 分类:技术文章

本文共 4195 字,大约阅读时间需要 13 分钟。


1. 题目

Transactions 记录表

+----------------+---------+| Column Name    | Type    |+----------------+---------+| id             | int     || country        | varchar || state          | enum    || amount         | int     || trans_date     | date    |+----------------+---------+id 是这个表的主键。该表包含有关传入事务的信息。状态列是类型为 [approved(已批准)、declined(已拒绝)] 的枚举。

Chargebacks 表

+----------------+---------+| Column Name    | Type    |+----------------+---------+| trans_id       | int     || charge_date    | date    |+----------------+---------+退单包含有关放置在事务表中的某些事务的传入退单的基本信息。trans_id 是 transactions 表的 id 列的外键。每项退单都对应于之前进行的交易,即使未经批准。

编写一个 SQL 查询,以查找每个月每个国家/地区的已批准交易的数量及其总金额、退单的数量及其总金额。



Transactions 表:+------+---------+----------+--------+------------+| id   | country | state    | amount | trans_date |+------+---------+----------+--------+------------+| 101  | US      | approved | 1000   | 2019-05-18 || 102  | US      | declined | 2000   | 2019-05-19 || 103  | US      | approved | 3000   | 2019-06-10 || 104  | US      | declined | 4000   | 2019-06-13 || 105  | US      | approved | 5000   | 2019-06-15 |+------+---------+----------+--------+------------+Chargebacks 表:+------------+------------+| trans_id   | trans_date |+------------+------------+| 102        | 2019-05-29 || 101        | 2019-06-30 || 105        | 2019-09-18 |+------------+------------+Result 表:+----------+---------+----------------+-----------------+-------------------+--------------------+| month    | country | approved_count | approved_amount | chargeback_count  | chargeback_amount  |+----------+---------+----------------+-----------------+-------------------+--------------------+| 2019-05  | US      | 1              | 1000            | 1                 | 2000               || 2019-06  | US      | 2              | 8000            | 1                 | 1000               || 2019-09  | US      | 0              | 0               | 1                 | 5000               |+----------+---------+----------------+-----------------+-------------------+--------------------+



2. 解题

# Write your MySQL query statement belowselect *from(    select t.month, t.country,             ifnull(sum(t1.approved_count),0) approved_count,             ifnull(sum(t1.approved_amount),0) approved_amount,            ifnull(sum(t2.chargeback_count),0) chargeback_count,             ifnull(sum(t2.chargeback_amount),0) chargeback_amount    from     (        select distinct country, date_format(trans_date, '%Y-%m') month        from Transactions        union        select distinct country, date_format(ch.trans_date, '%Y-%m') month        from Chargebacks ch left join Transactions tr        on ch.trans_id = tr.id                ) t    left join    (        select date_format(trans_date, '%Y-%m') month,             country,             count(*) approved_count,            ifnull(sum(amount),0) approved_amount        from Transactions        where state='approved'        group by month, country    ) t1    on t.month = t1.month and t.country = t1.country    left join     (        select date_format(ch.trans_date, '%Y-%m') month,        country,        count(*) chargeback_count,        ifnull(sum(amount),0) chargeback_amount        from Chargebacks ch left join Transactions tr        on ch.trans_id = tr.id        group by month, country    ) t2    on t.month = t2.month and t.country = t2.country    group by month, country) tmpwhere tmp.approved_count != 0 or tmp.chargeback_count != 0

or 简单写法,创建一个 chargeback state

select date_format(a.trans_date,'%Y-%m') month,country,       sum(state = 'approved') approved_count,       sum(if(state = 'approved',amount,0)) approved_amount,       sum(state = 'chargeback') chargeback_count,       sum(if(state = 'chargeback',amount,0)) chargeback_amount  from(    select *     from transactions    where state = 'approved'        union all    select id, country, 'chargeback' state, amount, c.trans_date    from chargebacks c left join transactions t     on c.trans_id = t.id) agroup by month,country




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上一篇:LeetCode MySQL 585. 2016年的投资(窗口函数over(partition by xx))
下一篇:LeetCode MySQL 1077. 项目员工 III



[***.116.15.85]2024年04月10日 09时37分41秒