LeetCode MySQL 1127. 用户购买平台 *
发布日期:2021-07-01 03:30:47 浏览次数:3 分类:技术文章

本文共 4269 字,大约阅读时间需要 14 分钟。


1. 题目

支出表: Spending

+-------------+---------+| Column Name | Type    |+-------------+---------+| user_id     | int     || spend_date  | date    || platform    | enum    | | amount      | int     |+-------------+---------+这张表记录了用户在一个在线购物网站的支出历史,该在线购物平台同时拥有桌面端('desktop')和手机端('mobile')的应用程序。这张表的主键是 (user_id, spend_date, platform)。平台列 platform 是一种 ENUM ,类型为('desktop', 'mobile')。

写一段 SQL 来查找每天 使用手机端用户、 使用桌面端用户、 同时 使用桌面端和手机端的用户人数和总支出金额。


Spending table:+---------+------------+----------+--------+| user_id | spend_date | platform | amount |+---------+------------+----------+--------+| 1       | 2019-07-01 | mobile   | 100    || 1       | 2019-07-01 | desktop  | 100    || 2       | 2019-07-01 | mobile   | 100    || 2       | 2019-07-02 | mobile   | 100    || 3       | 2019-07-01 | desktop  | 100    || 3       | 2019-07-02 | desktop  | 100    |+---------+------------+----------+--------+Result table:+------------+----------+--------------+-------------+| spend_date | platform | total_amount | total_users |+------------+----------+--------------+-------------+| 2019-07-01 | desktop  | 100          | 1           || 2019-07-01 | mobile   | 100          | 1           || 2019-07-01 | both     | 200          | 1           || 2019-07-02 | desktop  | 100          | 1           || 2019-07-02 | mobile   | 100          | 1           || 2019-07-02 | both     | 0            | 0           |+------------+----------+--------------+-------------+ 在 2019-07-01, 用户1 同时 使用桌面端和手机端购买, 用户2 仅 使用了手机端购买,而用户3 仅 使用了桌面端购买。在 2019-07-02, 用户2 仅 使用了手机端购买, 用户3 仅 使用了桌面端购买,且没有用户 同时 使用桌面端和手机端购买。



2. 解题

  • 先造出表的各种组合
select distinct spend_date, "desktop" platform from Spendingunionselect distinct spend_date, "mobile" platform from Spendingunionselect distinct spend_date, "both" platform from Spending
"headers": ["spend_date", "platform"], "values": [["2019-07-01", "desktop"], ["2019-07-02", "desktop"], ["2019-07-01", "mobile"], ["2019-07-02", "mobile"], ["2019-07-01", "both"], ["2019-07-02", "both"]]}
  • 计算每天,某类属下的总金额、人数
select spend_date,     if(count(distinct platform)=1, platform, 'both') plat,    sum(amount) total_am,    count(distinct user_id) total_u # 1 total_u 这么写也对,就1个人from Spendinggroup by spend_date, user_id
"headers": ["spend_date", "plat", "total_am", "total_u"], "values": [["2019-07-01", "both", 200, 1], ["2019-07-01", "mobile", 100, 1], ["2019-07-01", "desktop", 100, 1], ["2019-07-02", "mobile", 100, 1], ["2019-07-02", "desktop", 100, 1]]}
  • 上面2表连接
select p.spend_date, p.platform, t.total_am, t.total_ufrom(    select distinct spend_date, "desktop" platform from Spending    union    select distinct spend_date, "mobile" platform from Spending    union    select distinct spend_date, "both" platform from Spending) pleft join(    select spend_date,         if(count(distinct platform)=1, platform, 'both') plat,        sum(amount) total_am,        count(distinct user_id) total_u    from Spending    group by spend_date, user_id) ton p.platform = t.plat and p.spend_date = t.spend_date
"headers": ["spend_date", "platform", "total_am", "total_u"], 。"values": [["2019-07-01", "desktop", 100, 1], ["2019-07-02", "desktop", 100, 1], ["2019-07-01", "mobile", 100, 1], ["2019-07-02", "mobile", 100, 1], ["2019-07-01", "both", 200, 1], ["2019-07-02", "both", null, null]]}
  • 对连接后的表,求和
# Write your MySQL query statement belowselect    spend_date, platform,    ifnull(sum(total_am),0) total_amount,    ifnull(sum(total_u),0) total_usersfrom(    select p.spend_date, p.platform, t.total_am, t.total_u    from    (        select distinct spend_date, "desktop" platform from Spending        union        select distinct spend_date, "mobile" platform from Spending        union        select distinct spend_date, "both" platform from Spending    ) p    left join    (        select spend_date,             if(count(distinct platform)=1, platform, 'both') plat,            sum(amount) total_am,            count(distinct user_id) total_u        from Spending        group by spend_date, user_id    ) t    on p.platform = t.plat and p.spend_date = t.spend_date) tempgroup by spend_date, platform




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上一篇:LeetCode MySQL 626. 换座位
下一篇:LeetCode MySQL 615. 平均工资:部门与公司比较(over窗口函数)



[***.219.124.196]2024年05月05日 02时47分17秒