发布日期:2021-06-23 04:43:48 浏览次数:8 分类:技术文章

本文共 11664 字,大约阅读时间需要 38 分钟。



1. 序言








3. 第五个报文流程图


  • 解析收到的对端报文
    • 密钥交换载荷KE
    • Nonce载荷
  • 使用DH算法制作加密密钥、认证密钥、哈希密钥等
  • 构造应答报文(第五个报文)
    • 签名
    • 报文加密


4. main_inR2_outI3()源码学习


  • 解析对端的KE载荷和Nonce,因为这是制作密钥的基础材料。
  • 解析完毕后,开始制作密钥。
stf_statusmain_inR2_outI3(struct msg_digest *md){
struct dh_continuation *dh; /*获取受到的第四个报文中的KE载荷*/ pb_stream *const keyex_pbs = &md->chain[ISAKMP_NEXT_KE]->pbs; struct state *const st = md->st; /* if we are already processing a packet on this st, we will be unable * to start another crypto operation below */ if (is_suspended(st)) {
openswan_log("%s: already processing a suspended cyrpto operation " "on this SA, duplicate will be dropped.", __func__); return STF_TOOMUCHCRYPTO; } /* KE in *//*解析KE载荷并存储在st->st_gr上*/ RETURN_STF_FAILURE(accept_KE(&st->st_gr, "Gr" , st->, keyex_pbs)); /* Nr in *//*解析Nonce载荷,并存储在st->st_nr*/ RETURN_STF_FAILURE(accept_v1_nonce(md, &st->st_nr, "Nr")); dh = alloc_thing(struct dh_continuation, "aggr outR1 DH"); if(!dh) {
return STF_FATAL; } dh->md = md; set_suspended(st, md);/*挂起当前报文,防止由于耗时操作重新收到对方的重发报文*/ pcrc_init(&dh->dh_pcrc); dh->dh_pcrc.pcrc_func = main_inR2_outI3_cryptotail; return start_dh_secretiv(&dh->dh_pcrc, st , st->st_import , INITIATOR , st->>group);}

5. start_dh_secretiv()源码学习


  • 获取协商的认证算法、哈希算法、oakley群信息
  • 准备Nonce、KE、cookie、st_sec_chunk(密钥信息?)
  • 制作密钥(该流程中会通过回调函数组装报文并发送)
  • 发送完毕报文的后续处理
/* * invoke helper to do DH work. */stf_status start_dh_secretiv(struct pluto_crypto_req_cont *cn			     , struct state *st			     , enum crypto_importance importance			     , enum phase1_role init       /* TRUE=g_init,FALSE=g_r */			     , u_int16_t oakley_group2){
struct pluto_crypto_req r; struct pcr_skeyid_q *dhq; const chunk_t *pss = get_preshared_secret(st->st_connection);/*获取预共享秘钥*/ err_t e; bool toomuch = FALSE; pcr_init(&r, pcr_compute_dh_iv, importance);/*使用DH算法生成三把秘钥*/ dhq = &r.pcr_d.dhq; passert(st->st_sec_in_use); /* convert appropriate data to dhq */ dhq->auth = st->st_oakley.auth; dhq->prf_hash = st->st_oakley.prf_hash; dhq->oakley_group = oakley_group2; dhq->init = init; dhq->keysize = st->st_oakley.enckeylen/BITS_PER_BYTE; passert(r.pcr_d.dhq.oakley_group != 0); DBG(DBG_CONTROL | DBG_CRYPT, DBG_log("parent1 type: %d group: %d len: %d\n", r.pcr_type, r.pcr_d.dhq.oakley_group, (int)r.pcr_len)); /*将*pss的内容拷贝到dhq->space中,起始位置是thespace;同时将dhq->pss指向spce对应的空间。然后更新thespace*/ if(pss) {
pluto_crypto_copychunk(&dhq->thespace, dhq->space, &dhq->pss, *pss); } pluto_crypto_copychunk(&dhq->thespace, dhq->space, &dhq->ni, st->st_ni); pluto_crypto_copychunk(&dhq->thespace, dhq->space, &dhq->nr, st->st_nr); pluto_crypto_copychunk(&dhq->thespace, dhq->space, &dhq->gi, st->st_gi); pluto_crypto_copychunk(&dhq->thespace, dhq->space, &dhq->gr, st->st_gr); pluto_crypto_copychunk(&dhq->thespace, dhq->space , &dhq->secret, st->st_sec_chunk);/*最后发起端和相应者Nonce、KE等信息全部拷贝到了space中*/#ifdef HAVE_LIBNSS /*copying required encryption algo*/ /*dhq->encrypt_algo = st->st_oakley.encrypt;*/ dhq->encrypter = st->st_oakley.encrypter; DBG(DBG_CRYPT, DBG_log("Copying DH pub key pointer to be sent to a thread helper")); pluto_crypto_copychunk(&dhq->thespace, dhq->space , &dhq->pubk, st->pubk);#endif/*将发起者、相应者cookie也拷贝到dhq->space中*/ pluto_crypto_allocchunk(&dhq->thespace, &dhq->icookie, COOKIE_SIZE); memcpy(wire_chunk_ptr(dhq, &dhq->icookie), st->st_icookie, COOKIE_SIZE); pluto_crypto_allocchunk(&dhq->thespace, &dhq->rcookie, COOKIE_SIZE); memcpy(wire_chunk_ptr(dhq, &dhq->rcookie) , st->st_rcookie, COOKIE_SIZE);/*至此,发起端和相应者Nonce、KE、cookie等信息全部拷贝到了space中*/ passert(dhq->oakley_group != 0); e = send_crypto_helper_request(&r, cn, &toomuch);/*r 中包含上述信息,用来生成三把秘钥*/ if(e != NULL) {
loglog(RC_LOG_SERIOUS, "can not start crypto helper: %s", e); if(toomuch) {
return STF_TOOMUCHCRYPTO; } else {
return STF_FAIL; } } else if(!toomuch) {
st->st_calculating = TRUE; delete_event(st); event_schedule(EVENT_CRYPTO_FAILED, EVENT_CRYPTO_FAILED_DELAY, st); return STF_SUSPEND; } else {
/* we must have run the continuation directly, so * complete_state_transition already got called. */ return STF_INLINE; }}

6. main_inR2_outI3_cryptotail()源码学习

static voidmain_inR2_outI3_cryptotail(struct pluto_crypto_req_cont *pcrc			   , struct pluto_crypto_req *r			   , err_t ugh){
struct dh_continuation *dh = (struct dh_continuation *)pcrc; struct msg_digest *md = dh->md; struct state *const st = md->st; stf_status e; DBG(DBG_CONTROLMORE , DBG_log("main inR2_outI3: calculated DH, sending R1")); if (st == NULL) {
loglog(RC_LOG_SERIOUS, "%s: Request was disconnected from state", __FUNCTION__); if (dh->md) release_md(dh->md); return; } passert(cur_state == NULL); passert(st != NULL); passert(st->st_suspended_md == dh->md); set_suspended(st, NULL); /* no longer connected or suspended */ set_cur_state(st); st->st_calculating = FALSE; if(ugh) {
loglog(RC_LOG_SERIOUS, "failed in DH exponentiation: %s", ugh); e = STF_FATAL; } else {
e = main_inR2_outI3_continue(md, r); } if(dh->md != NULL) {
complete_v1_state_transition(&dh->md, e); if(dh->md) release_md(dh->md); } reset_cur_state();}

7. main_inR2_outI3_cryptotail()源码学习


  • 将制作的密钥存储在状态上
  • 解析对方报文中的证书,确定是否需要发送证书载荷
  • 构造ID标识载荷、并计算哈希
  • 如果使用哈希认证则填充哈希载荷;如果使用签名认证则进行数字签名
  • 报文加密
/* STATE_MAIN_I2: * SMF_PSK_AUTH: HDR, KE, Nr --> HDR*, IDi1, HASH_I * SMF_DS_AUTH: HDR, KE, Nr --> HDR*, IDi1, [ CERT, ] SIG_I * * The following are not yet implemented. * SMF_PKE_AUTH: HDR, KE, 
PubKey_i * --> HDR*, HASH_I * SMF_RPKE_AUTH: HDR,
Ke_r * --> HDR*, HASH_I */static stf_statusmain_inR2_outI3_continue(struct msg_digest *md , struct pluto_crypto_req *r){
struct state *const st = md->st; /*选择认证的载荷类型:哈希\签名*/ int auth_payload = st->st_oakley.auth == OAKLEY_PRESHARED_KEY ? ISAKMP_NEXT_HASH : ISAKMP_NEXT_SIG; pb_stream id_pbs; /* ID Payload; also used for hash calculation */ bool send_cert = FALSE; bool send_cr = FALSE; generalName_t *requested_ca = NULL; cert_t mycert = st->st_connection->spd.this.cert;/*获取自己的证书*/ finish_dh_secretiv(st, r);/*将DH产生的三把秘钥存储在结构体上*/ if(!r->pcr_success) {
return STF_FAIL + INVALID_KEY_INFORMATION; } /* decode certificate requests */ decode_cr(md, &requested_ca);/*解析报文中的证书载荷,并使用requested_ca链起来*/ if(requested_ca != NULL) {
st->hidden_variables.st_got_certrequest = TRUE; } /* * send certificate if we have one and auth is RSA, and we were * told we can send one if asked, and we were asked, or we were told * to always send one. * 同时满足下面的条件再发送证书载荷: * 1. 使用RSA签名 * 2. 本端导入了数字证书 * 3. 配置要求发送证书或强制发送证书 * 4. 从对端收到了证书 */ send_cert = st->st_oakley.auth == OAKLEY_RSA_SIG && mycert.type != CERT_NONE && ((st->st_connection->spd.this.sendcert == cert_sendifasked && st->hidden_variables.st_got_certrequest) || st->st_connection->spd.this.sendcert==cert_alwayssend || st->st_connection->spd.this.sendcert==cert_forcedtype); doi_log_cert_thinking(md , st->st_oakley.auth , mycert.type , st->st_connection->spd.this.sendcert , st->hidden_variables.st_got_certrequest , send_cert); /* send certificate request, if we don't have a preloaded RSA public key */ send_cr = !no_cr_send && send_cert && !has_preloaded_public_key(st);/*是否可以发送证书*/ DBG(DBG_CONTROL , DBG_log(" I am %ssending a certificate request" , send_cr ? "" : "not ")); /* * free collected certificate requests since as initiator * we don't heed them anyway */ free_generalNames(requested_ca, TRUE); /* done parsing; initialize crypto */#ifdef NAT_TRAVERSAL if (st->hidden_variables.st_nat_traversal & NAT_T_WITH_NATD) {
nat_traversal_natd_lookup(md);/*检测隧道两端是否经过NAT穿越*/ } if (st->hidden_variables.st_nat_traversal) {
nat_traversal_show_result(st->hidden_variables.st_nat_traversal , md->sender_port); } if (st->hidden_variables.st_nat_traversal & NAT_T_WITH_KA) {
nat_traversal_new_ka_event(); }#endif /*************** build output packet HDR*;IDii;HASH/SIG_I ***************/ /* ??? NOTE: this is almost the same as main_inI3_outR3's code */ /* HDR* out done */ /*HDR在哪里完成填充的呢???*/ /* IDii out */ {
struct isakmp_ipsec_id id_hd; chunk_t id_b; /*从状态/连接上获取本端标识信息*/ build_id_payload(&id_hd, &id_b, &st->st_connection->spd.this); id_hd.isaiid_np = (send_cert)? ISAKMP_NEXT_CERT : auth_payload; if (!out_struct(&id_hd , &isakmp_ipsec_identification_desc , &md->rbody , &id_pbs) || !out_chunk(id_b, &id_pbs, "my identity")) return STF_INTERNAL_ERROR; close_output_pbs(&id_pbs); } /* CERT out */ if (send_cert) {
pb_stream cert_pbs; struct isakmp_cert cert_hd; cert_hd.isacert_np = (send_cr)? ISAKMP_NEXT_CR : ISAKMP_NEXT_SIG; cert_hd.isacert_type = mycert.type; openswan_log("I am sending my cert"); if (!out_struct(&cert_hd , &isakmp_ipsec_certificate_desc , &md->rbody , &cert_pbs)) return STF_INTERNAL_ERROR; if(mycert.forced) {
if (!out_chunk(mycert.u.blob, &cert_pbs, "forced CERT")) return STF_INTERNAL_ERROR; } else {
if (!out_chunk(get_mycert(mycert), &cert_pbs, "CERT")) return STF_INTERNAL_ERROR; } close_output_pbs(&cert_pbs); } /* CR out *//*添加证书请求载荷,即要求对对端进行发送证书以求认证...*/ if (send_cr) {
openswan_log("I am sending a certificate request"); if (!build_and_ship_CR(mycert.type , st->st_connection-> , &md->rbody, ISAKMP_NEXT_SIG)) return STF_INTERNAL_ERROR; }#ifdef TPM {
pb_stream *pbs = &md->rbody; size_t enc_len = pbs_offset(pbs) - sizeof(struct isakmp_hdr); TCLCALLOUT_crypt("preHash", st,pbs,sizeof(struct isakmp_hdr),enc_len); /* find location of ID PBS */ tpm_findID(pbs, &id_pbs); }#endif /* HASH_I or SIG_I out */ {
u_char hash_val[MAX_DIGEST_LEN]; size_t hash_len = main_mode_hash(st, hash_val, TRUE, &id_pbs); if (auth_payload == ISAKMP_NEXT_HASH) {
/* HASH_I out */ if (!out_generic_raw(ISAKMP_NEXT_NONE , &isakmp_hash_desc , &md->rbody , hash_val, hash_len, "HASH_I")) return STF_INTERNAL_ERROR; } else {
/* SIG_I out */ u_char sig_val[RSA_MAX_OCTETS]; size_t sig_len = RSA_sign_hash(st->st_connection , sig_val, hash_val, hash_len); if (sig_len == 0) {
loglog(RC_LOG_SERIOUS, "unable to locate my private key for RSA Signature"); return STF_FAIL + AUTHENTICATION_FAILED; } if (!out_generic_raw(ISAKMP_NEXT_NONE , &isakmp_signature_desc , &md->rbody , sig_val , sig_len , "SIG_I")) return STF_INTERNAL_ERROR; } } /* encrypt message, except for fixed part of header */ /* st_new_iv was computed by generate_skeyids_iv */ if (!encrypt_message(&md->rbody, st)) return STF_INTERNAL_ERROR; /* ??? we may be partly committed */ return STF_OK;}

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